Modern lifestyle practices often tend to be unhealthy, like being physically inactive, consuming junk foods, suffering from obesity, harmful smoking addictions and improper sleep routines. While these have undoubtedly lead to the alarming rise in instances of diabetes and hypertension in India, another agonizing condition triggered by these risk factors, as well as inherited genetic anomalies, in people of all ages, is rheumatoid arthritis. Defined as an autoimmune disorder that prompts prominent inflammation and excruciating aching in the joints of the shoulders, elbows, knees, hands and feet, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) occurs when the body’s defence mechanism accidentally attacks its own cells and tissues.

Also Read: World Arthritis Day: Simple And Effective Tips To Manage Joint Pain

Ayurveda terms RA as “Amavata”, meaning exacerbation of the Ama toxins as well as Vata doshas in the body, characterized by “Sandhi Shula” implying joint pain, “Sandhi Shotha” i.e. joint swelling and “Stabdhata” which translates to stiffness in joints. Ama toxins are the endotoxins generated in the body due to accumulation of undigested foods – “Apakwa Annarasa”, prompted by a decline in digestive functions i.e. “Mandagni”, which in turn, aggravate the Vata dosha, the bodily element of ether, air. Eventually, these harmful substances collect in the synovial membrane of joints in the body, triggering the chronic ailment of rheumatoid arthritis. Additional typical indications that accompany joint pain in RA are “Jadta” (stiffness), “Angamarda” (body aches), “Agnidaurbalya” (loss of appetite), “Gauravam” (heaviness in the system), “Jwara”(fever), “Karmahani” (waning in physical fitness) and “Nidraviprayay”(disturbed sleep and insomnia).

Also Read: Ayurveda For Insomnia: Time-Tested Therapies For A Good Night’s Sleep

A traditional system of therapy that originated more than 5000 years ago, the ancient medical manuscripts of Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita extol the virtues of a plethora of anti-inflammatory herbs, with valuable analgesic and immunosuppressive traits, in curing RA. These consist of internal consumption of “Kashayam” preparations of juices, pastes, powders, external application of restorative oils or “Tailam” and ingesting “Rasoushadi”, which are rejuvenating concoctions of potent plant derivatives.
ayurveda herbal remedies for rheumatoid arthritis

Foray through this article, that enlists some amazing healing natural formulations from Ayurveda, for rectifying rheumatoid arthritis, easing bodily discomfort and improving joint mobility.

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Astounding Herbal Therapies To Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis:


Called as Hadjod in Hindi, Cissus quadrangularis is a proven ayurvedic herb, packed with valuable minerals and antioxidants, for mending a host of bone and joint-related disorders, such as RA, fractures and osteoporosis.

Applying a paste of hadjod leaves on inflamed joints soothes pain, swelling and helps regain range of motion in bones, muscles.


Boerhavia diffusa, called Punarnava in Hindi, confers noteworthy uplifting and cleansing actions on the system, thereby improving bone and joint strength in RA.

Adding some punarnava powder – a rasoushadi, to warm milk and taking it daily after a healthy meal offers tremendous merits of fortified bones, reinforced muscles and promoting flexibility in joints.

Gotu Kola

Scientifically called Centella Asiatica, the leaves of Gotu Kola or Vallarai Keerai have powerful anti-inflammatory characteristics, which are rather useful in significantly reducing joint pain in RA.

Incorporating the fresh gotu kola leaves in the daily diet, in the form of soup, rasam, kootu, dal or salad, ameliorates symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.


The emollient extracts of the Ricinus communis plant, commonly called castor oil in English, Gandharvahasta or Eranda Taila in Hindi, are an age-old cure for swelling and discomfort encountered in RA.

Heating a cup of eranda tailam i.e. castor oil slightly, then massaging it gently and deeply onto affected joints daily, vastly rectifies arthritic pain and inflammation.


Known in botanical terminology as Pluchea lanceolata, the organic residues of Rasna are touted for their antipyretic i.e. heat-reducing, laxative and analgesic or pain-lowering properties.

Mashing some rasna leaves, mixing it with a glass of warm water or lemon juice and ingesting the kashayam regularly flushes out Ama toxins, enhances digestion, resolves fevers and pacifies joint pain, swelling.


Imbued with anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic, pain-relieving, and anti-stress properties, ashwagandha extracts can be an elixir for people dealing with the debilitating symptoms of arthritis pain and swelling. It can substantially reduce a range of muscle motion and stiffness and has been an alternative remedy to seek relief in managing the pain. Additionally, ashwagandha being an oxidant can help to protect the joints from further damage.

Indian Frankincense

Indian frankincense, Salai, otherwise termed as Sallaki is derived from the bark of the Boswellia tree and has strong analgesic effects and potent anti-inflammatory properties. This helps to prevent cartilage loss and soothe symptoms and pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis. It can also offer relief to these painful joint conditions that are associated with age.

Eucalyptus Teriticornis 

Eucalyptus Teriticornis called Safeda in Hindi is a popular herb in Chinese, Indian Ayurvedic, Greek, and European styles of medicine. These science forms have incorporated the use of eucalyptus into the treatment of a range of joint-related conditions. Eucalyptus essential oil and extracts can help soothe the pains and discomfort caused by arthritis, thanks to its analgesic properties.