Seasonal Affective Disorder, commonly identified as the “winter depression” is a kind of depression, experienced mainly during the winter season. Common symptoms include sudden falls, nervous breakdown.

Seasonal Affective Disorder

However, it should also be noted that some people may also experience the same seasonal blues during late spring or maybe early summer.  Fluctuations in the production of the mood-regulating hormone, the serotonin from insufficient sunlight during winters can impact the neuronal pathways. Females and people with a family history of depression and/or other mental disorders are prone to SAD.

Signs And Symptoms:

  • Persistent loss of energy and low mood
  • Lack of interest in performing day to day activities
  • Insomnia or experiencing sleepless nights
  • Unusual weight loss due to lack of appetite
  • Unusual agitation, anxiety, fear of worthlessness or uncommon guilt
  • Inclination towards death or suicidal attempts


Treatment options depend on the severity and family history. This kind of disorder is often confirmed on the basis of physical as well as physiological reports, evaluation of family history, laboratory tests and various assessment programmes. Currently, various treatments such as light therapy, psychotherapy, and steroidal medications are prescribed, depending upon the diagnostic confirmation.