Music Therapy helps to improve a person's physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual health through the kind of music he/she prefers. Lengthy studies have demonstrated the effect of music on motor skills, cognitive functioning, social skills, emotional quotient, and the general quality of life. Music For Depression

Many hospitals, schools, cancer centres, psychiatric wards, rehabilitation centres, etc in the West have adopted Music Therapy to improve individual quality of life.

Research has shown that music therapy for depression and anxiety can reduce anxiety, blood pressure, and pain as well as improve sleep quality, mood, mental alertness, and memory. There are few things that stimulate the brain the way music does, an ENT specialist at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine said. If you want to keep your brain engaged throughout the aging process, listening to or playing music is a great tool. It provides a total brain workout.

Research into music therapy and mental health recovery has found that dementia patients calm down when they listen to music of their choice. Tests have also shown that music helps boost reading & learning rates, and ease anxiety. Functional MRI scans (fMRI) show that music modifies brainwaves, interacting with areas of the brain that are responsible for focus, foresight, and memory updates.

How Can You Benefit By Listening to Music?

- Listen to music for 1 hour daily

- Produces feelings of empowerment while decreasing depression, discomfort, disability from back, neck and joint pain. - Get Creative - Listen to what others listen to. New music selections force the brain to struggle to understand the new sound. It tests the brain in a way that familiar music doesn't.

Total Recall - At the same time, listening to music from the time period that you are trying to remember helps you remember better. For example, listening to songs from your youth may help you remember the first moment you laid eyes on your spouse.

Pay Attention - Your body reactions to different forms of music - What helps one person relax may make another person anxious, and what helps one person concentrate might be distracting to someone else.