The month of monsoon along with rain showers is best known to bring loads of nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables. Ridge gourds, cucumbers, bitter gourds, tomatoes, lady’s fingers, beans, and brinjals; we see markets loaded with a plethora of fresh veggies during this time of the year.

When it comes to tomatoes, July and August are generally lean production months as compared to other greens, but this year, the season’s impact has been concerning. Adverse weather in India has caused an unbelievable surge in tomato prices, thus increasing the monthly kitchen budgets for households across the country. In the last few weeks, tomato pricing has gone up to a whopping 200 per kilogram! This is bound to create dismay. While June has been hotter-than-normal this year and lately, a heavy downpour through July has hit the output of the crop, causing a fivefold increase in tomato pricing. Incessant rain and lack of fresh supply have reduced the availability of this essential vegetable in veggie markets so much that many people have stopped bringing tomatoes into their homes.

Also Read: Cherry Tomatoes: Nutrition, Uses And Health Benefits Of This Tiny Red Berries

The exorbitant price hike in any perishable item is a combination of many factors. Fruits and vegetables are highly weather dependent. While every plant grows in its own space, some of them can bear all kinds of weather, but certain plants have specific environmental preferences. Tomato and eggplants are two such varieties that do not thrive in waterlogged conditions, especially when they are in flowering and fruiting stages. Their root does not take nutrients from the soil and begins to rot.

Also Read: Colocasia Gigantea: Benefits, Culinary Uses And Precautions While Using This Monsoon Leafy Vegetable- Delicious Recipes Inside

What Can Be A Tomato Alternative?

Bearing the brunt of this situation, we all are concerned about the rise in tomato prices and while some of us have started using fewer tomatoes in our regular cooking, others are looking for alternatives to this tangy essential fruit. Thankfully, there are many nutrient-dense ingredients found in our kitchens that can be a wonderful tomato substitute. So, do not worry! Sit back and relax until things return to normal and the cost of our favorite bright red fruit comes down to a reasonable price level. Without causing a burn in your pocket and in your household budget, switch to these 5 simple ingredients that you can add to your daily food or try for your weekend delicacies.

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