With our growing dependency on a sedentary lifestyle, health and wellness have literally taken a backseat for many. With every passing day, more or more people are getting diagnosed with some condition or the other. Well, if you still have a doubt about it, try noticing your daily activities, if you feel inactive or lethargic throughout the day or fail to accomplish your tasks, you might be unknowingly suffering from stress or strain that might have deteriorated both your physiological and psychological health. And this gradual deterioration might have took place due to blockages in one or more of your Chakras.

Also Read: Yoga Mudras: Here’s Why Health Is In Your Own Hands, Literally!

Meditation and chakras

Wondering, What Are Chakras?

Well, for the unversed, Chakras, also known as wheels or circles are the energy centres of the body, i.e., a point of convergence of energy channels or ‘nadis’, thoughts/feelings, and the physical body. They are chiefly located in the astral body along the spine, starting from the base of the spine and moving upwards to the crown of the head. Each chakra coincides with a specific gland or organ in the physical body and radiates a specific colour and energy. Since the chakras enhance the spiritual, psychological, and physical aspects of your being, a blockage or disturbance in any of the chakras can lead to physical, psychological and emotional disorders. Similarly, when the channels are all open and the ‘prana’ flows without any obstruction, the health and well-being of an individual get promoted.

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Yogic philosophy entails that the human body basically comprises of pools of energy that largely determine how we experience reality from our emotional reactions, our desires or aversions, the level of confidence or fear we experience, even the manifestation of physical symptoms we exude. It chiefly classifies that the human body is made up of 7 chakras; four of which lie in our upper body that supervises our intellectual properties, and the last three on the rear half that basically administers our intuitional properties.

Well, this article gives you a detailed insight on the 7 chakras that govern our body, their location and their significance.

The main chakras for beginners

The Different Chakaras, Their Location And Significance

Root Chakra

Also known as the “Muladhara Chakra” in Sanskrit, the root chakra is the first point of energy that is located at the base of the spine between the anus and the genitals. It is often depicted as the four-petaled lotus, radiating a red aura and is well connected to the earth element. It is mostly awakened by the lavender scent, and by practicing the Tree Pose or Vrikshasana while chanting the mantra “Lam”.


It chiefly governs the four primal urges: food, sleep, sex, and self-preservation. Its energetic function is to help us maintain a sense of security, humble nature, prosperity and inner stability. In the physiological aspect, the root chakra influences the health of the teeth, nails, bones, anus, kidneys, lower digestive functions, excretory functions, prostate and adrenal glands, and sexual activity. An imbalance of this point often leads to poor sleep, lower back pain, sciatica, constipation, tiredness, depression, immune-related disorders, obesity, and eating disorders.

Sacral Chakra

The next chakra that governs our body is the Sacral Chakra that is denoted by the Sanskrit term “Svadhisthana Chakra”. This chakra is located at the pelvis or lower abdomen; four fingers below the navel. It is often symbolized as an orange lotus with six petals, exuding the colour orange and is associated with the water element. It is primarily awakened by a tangerine fragrance, and performing the Goddess Pose or Deviasana while chanting the mantra ‘Vam’. The second chakra’s energetic function is to help us regulate our emotions and desires, so as not to be driven by them.


It represents fluidity, flexibility, adaptability, creativity, emotions, sexual energy, and the unconscious. The Sacral chakra governs the liver, gallbladder, kidney, pancreas, adrenal glands, spleen, middle spine, stomach, upper intestines, sexual organs, and autoimmune system. The blocking of this chakra leads to decreased libido, pelvic pain, urinary problems, poor digestion, low resistance to infection and viruses, sciatica, hormonal imbalances, and menstrual problems.

Solar Plexus or Naval Chakra

Touted as “Manipura Chakra” in Sanskrit, the third point of energy is present above the navel at the solar plexus (between the navel and the bottom of the rib cage). It is chiefly depicted by a downward or upward-facing red triangle, radiates a yellow aura and is associated with the fire element. It can be awakened by a lemony-citrus scent and by performing the Boat Pose or Navasana while chanting the mantra ‘Ram’.


The Solar Plexus Chakra represents a sense of will-power, purpose, self-esteem and helps us navigate our lives with strength and determination. It chiefly governs the effective functioning of the upper abdomen, gallbladder, liver, kidney, adrenals, small intestines, middle spine, and stomach. A blocked or unbalanced Manipura Chakra may often lead to pancreatitis, adrenal imbalances, diabetes, arthritis, intestinal tumors, colon diseases, stomach ulcers, anorexia/bulimia, or low blood pressure.

Heart Chakra

Deemed as “Anahata Chakra” in Sanskrit, just as the name signifies the fourth energy point is located in the centre of the chest or the heart which is the seat of the subtle prana or Jivatman (Parashakti). It is symbolized by a six-pointed star surrounded by 12 petaled petals, exudes the colour green and is attached to the air element. It is usually awakened by the eucalyptus aroma and by chanting the mantra ‘Yam’ while performing the Camel Pose or Ustrasana.


The Heart Chakra affects a person’s social identity and brings about feelings of love, care, empathy and endearment. It chiefly governs with the functioning of the circulatory system, heart, rib cage, blood, lungs and diaphragm, breasts, esophagus, shoulders, arms, hands and thymus gland. However, an imbalance or disturbance of the heart chakra can cause heart issues and other conditions related to asthma, shallow breathing, thoracic spine, upper back and shoulder problems, and lung diseases.

Throat Chakra

Going by the name “Visudhhi Chakra”, the fifth energy point is the centre of purification and is located near the throat or base of the neck. It is commonly depicted as a blue downward-facing triangle inside a lotus with 16 purple petals. It gives out the colour blue and is associated with the element ether, or space (akasha). The throat chakra is chiefly aroused by the scent of lavender and is opened by chanting the mantra ‘Ham’ and performing the Shoulder Stand or Salamba Sarvangasana and the Bridge Pose or Sethubandhasana.


The Throat Chakra signifies inspiration, expression, faith, and the ability to communicate. It supervises the functions of the trachea, throat, thyroid, parathyroid gland, cervical vertebrae, vocal cords, esophagus, mouth, teeth, gums, arms, hands, neck and shoulders. An imbalance of the Vishudhhi Chakra often leads to sore throat, stiff neck, mouth ulcers, thyroid dysfunctions, laryngitis, hearing problems, gum and tooth problems.

Third Eye Chakra

The sixth energy point that goes by the name “Ajna Chakra” in Sanskrit is located in between the eyebrows. It is chiefly represented by a transparent lotus with two white petals, exudes the colour indigo and is considered to be the seat of the mind, of conscious and unconscious awareness. It is considered to be beyond any physical element. The Chakra is awakened by the vanilla aroma and by chanting the ‘Om’ mantra while practicing the Easy Pose or Sukhasana.


The Ajna Chakra forms the centre of intuition, vision, prophecy, imagination, clairvoyance, implementation of ideas, detachment, inner knowing, and self-assurance and also helps us to know ourselves spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically. With proper meditation, it regulates the functions of the neurological system including the brain, eyes, ears, nose, pituitary gland, and pineal glands. Any imbalance of this chakra can lead to conditions like spinal dysfunction, seizures, headaches, eyestrain, learning disabilities, nightmares, anxiety, panic, depression, blindness, or deafness.

Crown Chakra

Commonly termed as “Sahasrara Chakra” in Sanskrit, the seventh and last point of energy is located just above the crown of the head and is considered to be the doorway into pure consciousness. It is symbolized as a thousand-petaled lotus with violet or whitish aura, and like the Ajna chakra, it is not associated with a physical element (as it also considered to be beyond the physical elements). It is chiefly opened by inhaling the exotic jasmine fragrance and by chanting the mantra “Aum or Om” while performing the Lotus Pose or Padmasana or the Corpse Pose or Shavasana.


The Sahasrara Chakra confers a way of connecting oneself to the divine energy and is associated with our highest self. On meditating, it helps an individual function in a more enlightened way, cultivate self-mastery, detach ego and find a sense of spirituality, enlightenment, and connection with all. It regulates the functions of the brain, nervous system, and pineal gland and may lead to sensitivity to light and sound and chronic exhaustion when out of balance.