Jojoba oil pronounced as ho-ho-ba is a golden liquid wax extracted from the seeds of jojoba plant. Jojoba Oil

Jojoba plants are desert shrubs that are mainly found in Mexico, Arizona, California and other parts of US and this oil is used extensively in the preparation of soaps, body washes, oils and various beauty products.

Jojoba oil serves as an amazing ingredient to meet all your moisturization needs, be it on skin or hair. Loaded with anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, non-toxic properties, jojoba oil removes excess sebum from the scalp, making hair smooth and shiny. 

Skin Moisturizer:

Jojoba oil is a natural moisturizer that hydrates the skin from within. The oil comes with good amounts of ceramides that can cover the skin cells that are responsible for hydration. The oil gets easily absorbed into the skin and fights against allergens, dust pollution, loss of moisture and help in restoring skin health.

Treats Skin Conditions:

Jojoba oil works wonders for those suffering from skin related problems like eczema. The anti-inflammatory properties of jojoba oil reduce the redness and rash caused due to dry skin and other skin conditions. Dip and squeeze a dry cotton ball in jojoba oil and rub it gently on the affected area for immediate relief. The anti-bacterial properties effectively tackle skin inflammation caused due to minor cuts, cold sores and warts.

Nail Health:

If you have brittle, dull nails turn to jojoba oil for instant relief. The vitamin E in the oil serves as a moisturizer on the cuticles, reduce breakage and provide healthy growth of nails. Apply some jojoba oil on the nails before applying nail colour for it to last longer.

Keeps Scalp Healthy:

Jojoba oil is a wonderful ingredient that can clean the clogged and crusted sebum accumulated on the scalp. It can also remove sticky build-up caused due to airborne particles. The keratoplastic, anti-inflammatory properties in the oil enhance hair growth by strengthening the roots.

Natural Conditioner:

Jojoba oil is an instant way to make your dull, frizzy hair to shine. It works as both hair oil and conditioner. Rub jojoba oil on the scalp and hair till ends even as the proteins, minerals in this wonderful oil act as natural conditioner making your hair soft and shiny. The oil retains moisture of the follicles, providing roots with enough strength to grow healthy hair. To quick fix your dry hair, massage oil gently on the scalp to make it look silky and shiny.  

Benefits Of This Oil To Delay Ageing Signs

Increases Collagen

Owing to high Vitamin E content, the oil is an excellent skin softener which augments collagen production. Collagen is vital to aid skin's firmness thus using this oil on skin can improve skin elasticity and delay early signs of ageing

Fights Fine Lines And Wrinkles

Vitamin B present in this oil not only makes it a fantastic as a moisturizer but also works as an antioxidant. These properties fight oxidative stress thus helping the skin to combat fine lines that may show up early in life.

Promotes A Supple And Younger Looking Skin

Jojoba helps to build healthy skin layers and ward of dead skin by restoring the normal barrier function of your skin and enhancing a youthful skin texture and appearance.




G.K. Sandha1 and V.K. Swami 2

1 Department of Chemistry, S.G.N. Khalsa P.G. College, SriGanganagar,Rajasthan-335001, India

2 Department of Chemistry, Govt. Lohia P. G. College Churu, Rajasthan-01562, India

Jojoba Oil: An Updated Comprehensive Review on Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Uses, and Toxicity

Heba A. Gad,1 Autumn Roberts,2 Samirah H. Hamzi,3 Haidy A. Gad,4 Ilham Touiss,5 Ahmed E. Altyar,6 Osama A. Kensara,7 and Mohamed L. Ashour3,4,*


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