Rocket Yoga, often referred to as "The Rocket," is a dynamic and invigorating style of yoga that takes traditional yoga asanas and sequences them into a powerful and playful practice. Created by the late Larry Schultz, this style of yoga is inspired by Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga and designed to break down the barriers and limitations often associated with traditional yoga, making it accessible to practitioners of all levels.

In this 2-minute read, let us explore what Rocket yoga is all about, its benefits, and how you can start practising it safely at home.

Also Read: Yoga For Beginners: 5 Easy Asanas To Initiate This Holistic Practice Right At Home

What Is Rocket Yoga?

Rocket yoga is not similar to the typical, slow-paced yoga movements. It's a fast-paced and challenging practice that incorporates a wide variety of poses, transitions, and inversions. What sets it apart is the way it approaches the traditional Ashtanga series, allowing for more flexibility, creative sequences, freedom of movement, and a dash of playfulness.

The primary aim of Rocket Yoga is to create a more accessible and enjoyable yoga experience for practitioners of all levels, making it an excellent choice for those seeking a dynamic and engaging practice.

Also Read: International Yoga Day: Outstanding Yogasanas You Should Perform Daily For Overall Wellbeing

The Extraordinary Benefits Of Rocket Yoga

Improves Flexibility:

Rocket Yoga incorporates a wide range of yoga postures, from standing poses to inversions and arm balances. This diversity helps develop both strength and flexibility in various muscle groups, leading to a balanced and resilient body.

Increases Core Strength:

The practice involves core-centric poses, leading to a stronger and more stable core, which is essential for overall strength and balance.

Augments Cardiovascular Functions:

The fast-paced nature of Rocket Yoga can elevate your heart rate, providing cardiovascular benefits and aiding in weight management.

Uplifts Spinal Health:

Regular practice can promote a healthy spine and alleviate back pain.

Enhances Focus and Mindfulness:

Rocket Yoga encourages mindfulness through continuous movement and breath awareness, helping practitioners stay present in the moment.

Reduces Stress:  

Like all yoga styles, Rocket Yoga promotes relaxation and stress reduction. The combination of breath control, fluid movements, and meditation techniques helps reduce stress and anxiety, leaving you feeling calmer and more centred.

Eliminates Toxins:

The dynamic nature of Rocket Yoga encourages increased blood circulation, which can help the body eliminate toxins through sweating and improve overall health and vitality.


Rocket Yoga is adaptable to various skill levels, making it accessible to both beginners and experienced yogis. You can modify poses and sequences to suit your own needs and abilities.


The practice of Rocket Yoga encourages self-exploration and self-acceptance. It allows individuals to push their boundaries, break through limitations, and discover their full potential. This helps in boosting confidence and self-esteem, as you realize what your body can achieve.

How To Practice Rocket Yoga?

Rocket yoga classes are typically divided into three levels: Rocket 1, Rocket 2, and Rocket 3. Rocket 1 is designed for beginners, while Rocket 2 and 3 are more advanced, involving more complex poses and sequences. Here are some general guidelines for starting your Rocket yoga journey:

Step 1: Begin with a few minutes of deep breathing and gentle stretches to prepare your body for the practice.

Step 2: Rocket yoga often starts with Surya Namaskar A and B, a series of dynamic sun salutations to build heat and flexibility.

Step 3: Rocket yoga incorporates a wide range of poses, including inversions like headstands and arm balances like crow pose. You'll move through sequences quicker, so be prepared for a challenging and dynamic experience.

Step 4: Wind down your practice with cooling poses and a well-deserved relaxation or meditation at the end.

Step 5: Consistency is key, so try incorporating Rocket yoga into your routine at least a few times a week to experience its full benefits.

Safety Considerations

As with any physical practice, it's crucial to practice Rocket yoga safely. If you're new to yoga or have any medical conditions, it's wise to consult with a qualified yoga instructor who can provide guidance and ensure your practice is safe and effective.


Rocket yoga is a high-energy, challenging, and enjoyable form of yoga that brings a breath of fresh air to your practice. Whether you're a seasoned yogi or a beginner, it can offer you a path to enhanced flexibility, strength, and overall well-being. So, if you're ready to reach for the stars in your yoga practice, give Rocket Yoga a try and let it take your journey to new heights.


  1. Exploring the therapeutic effects of yoga and its ability to increase quality of life - By Catherine Woodyard

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