We all know that diabetes milletus is a chronic disease and it is imperative to manage this lifestyle disorder through diet, medication and exercise to lead a normal and healthy life.

Hereditary and poor lifestyle habits are causative factors that can lead to prediabetes, while excess body fat, physical inactivity and unhealthy food habits can also increase the risk.

Diabetes won’t happen overnight. If you are above 30 and diabetes runs in your family, you may want to get tested for prediabetes.

Prediabetes is a condition where blood sugar levels are higher than normal but not high enough to be diagnosed as type 2 diabetes. This condition is often a precursor to type 2 diabetes and if not treated properly prediabetes can lead to type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

In prediabetes, blood glucose from food builds up in the bloodstream due to lack of insulin in the body cells. High carbohydrate intake doesn’t cause prediabetes rather the amount and type of carbohydrate consumed is what impacts blood sugar. Refined and processed carbohydrates in the meal plan can cause sudden spikes in blood sugar levels.

Excess body fat around the belly is the culprit for insulin resistance and a majority of prediabetics are on the obese side.

Early intervention helps you in maintaining your blood sugar levels out of the prediabetes range. Diet plays a pivotal role and you need to know about the right types of foods to eat to keep a check on the blood sugar level.

Diet For Prediabetes

Healthy Eating Plan To Control Prediabetes

Choose Carbs With Low Glycemic Index

A glycemic index is an important tool that determines how a specific food could affect your blood sugar. Refined carbs, processed foods -white bread, rice and sugary beverages, high on GI and with low amounts of fibre can cause sugar spikes.

A low GI vegan diet consisting of whole-grain cereals, fibre-rich vegetables and legumes are the best foods to control blood sugar spike. Eating a meal with the right proportion of cereals, vegetables and protein can slow down the digestion of carbs and prevent rising levels of blood sugars.

Watch Your Portion

The best way to manage prediabetes is practicing the art of mindful eating. Eat only when you are hungry, sit and eat slowly and chew the food thoroughly. Stop when you are full. Pay attention to what is being served on your plate, including the portion, flavour, colour and taste of the food.  

Top Up With Protein

A diet rich in protein contains fewer carbs, keeps you satiated, delays digestion and prevents a sudden increase in blood sugar. Choose protein foods from a wide source of lean meat -fish, chicken, egg and legumes, beans, soy and low-fat milk and milk products.

Drink Plenty of Water

Water is a quintessential part of a balanced diet. To quench your thirst drink plenty of water and avoid sugary drinks, aerated beverages, juices and energy drinks. Drinking adequate amounts of water will keep you hydrated and prevents dehydration.

Regular Exercise

Regular exercise is a part of a healthy lifestyle, this is even more important for people with prediabetes. Physical inactivity has been linked to an increase in the risk of prediabetes. Regular workouts and yoga can make the muscles use glucose for energy and cells work more efficiently with insulin.

Foods To Avoid

Sugary drinks and aerated beverages are loaded with empty calories and can spike blood sugar levels instantly. It is better to limit intake of aerated beverages with prediabetes.