The benefits of exercise are huge, the challenge now is to motivate people to simply move more and sit less to reduce the risk of diabetes.

Evidence reveals that a decrease in physical activity and an increase in sedentary behaviour has unfavourable effects on the body and could be riskier if a first-degree relative has type 2 diabetes.

 The results of the finding focused on the critical importance of avoiding low levels of physical activity and sedentary behaviour, for instance too much sitting, television watching, computer gaming and so on, stated Kelly Bowden Davies from the University of Liverpool in the UK.

The study covered 45 people with active lifestyles, including 16 subjects who have close blood relatives with type 2 diabetes.

After 14 days of decreased physical activity, all subjects had higher levels of fat and their bodies were less responding to the hormone insulin (insulin resistance).

Subjects closely related to type 2 diabetes, had a larger amount of fat gained around their waist and increased blood lipids levels, which are major risk factors for the development of diabetes.

The subjects were examined again after 14 days resuming normal activity and the researchers found the adverse effects were reversed. This emphasize how beneficial physical activity can be, and the vital role it plays in lowering the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This study was presented at the annual Diabetes UK Professional Conference.

India is the diabetes capital with about 69.1 million people living with diabetes, recent epidemiological evidence indicates a rising diabetes epidemic across all classes, both affluent and the poor in India

Regular physical activity is the key to abstaining from disease and health complications. In a group of physically active, healthy young adults that met the suggested physical activity guidelines, about 14 days of increased sedentary behaviour induces small but remarkable changes in their health, states Daniel Cuthbertson from the University of Liverpool.