Though doctors have suspected it, it is only now that a body of research uncovered evidence that a low - calorie diet may possibly reverse Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Professor Roy Taylor, Newcastle University, U.K., is all set to unveil his Twin Cycle Hypothesis at the European Association For The Study Of Diabetes (EASD 2017). In this theory, Type 2 diabetes is caused by excess fat within both liver and pancreas, which causes the liver to respond poorly to insulin. The normal process of making glucose is controlled by insulin, which means that the liver makes too much glucose. At the same time, excess fat in the liver increases the normal process of export of fat to all tissues. This excess fat causes the insulin producing cells in the pancreas to fail, leading to high blood sugar symptoms and could eventually result in heart disease.Is Type 2 Diabetes Reversible? The study is good news for people with Type 2 diabetes as it demonstrates that even if patients have had the condition for a decade, they can still eliminate Type 2 diabetesby moving that essential amount of fat out of the pancreas. Currently, doctors recommend substantial weight loss to tackle Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. The study highlights are:

  • Additional calories results in excess fat in the liver
  • Due to extra fat, the liver reacts poorly to insulin and creates too much glucose, a condition termed as hyperglycemia.
  • Extra fat in the liver is passed on to the pancreas, making the insulin producing cells to fail, leading to fasting blood sugar level being alarmingly high.
  • Just a loss of a gram of fat from the pancreas with diet can re-start the normal making of insulin, reversing Type 2 diabetes
  • The study demonstrates that diabetes is reversible through weight loss even in patients who have had the condition for at least 10 years.

There are still a lot more research to be done to understand the long-term effects of reversing type 2 diabetes through weight loss. This is crucial for anyone living with Type 2 diabetes considering weight loss to discuss a professional plan with healthcare professional before going on a diet.