Control Your Diabetes In 4 Steps!
Healthy Eating
  • Eat only what your body needs
  • Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits & whole grains.
  • Eat less foods that are high in sugar and fat- e.g., carbohydrates
  • If you must- consume only non- fat dairy and lean meats.

  • Adopt an active lifestyle
  • Walk more, sit less
  • Join a gym, but walking and taking the stairs can be just as good.
  • 30 minutes of strenuous activity coordinated with your meals and medication is the ideal for most Type 2 diabetic adults.

Stress Management
  • Anxiety interferes with disease management- you may forget your medication, diet plans, and forget to exercise
  • Manage daily stress with yoga, meditation or soothing hobbies

Avoid Alcohol
  • Avoiding Alcohol makes it easier to control your diabetes.
  • Diabetic men are advised to take a maximum of TWO drinks per day
  • Consumption may raise or lower your blood sugar drastically
  • Check your blood glucose levels before drinking
  • Eat when drinking, especially if you are on diabetic prescription medication or insulin.