Don’t we all just love to bathe in the sun, soak up the natural sunshine vitamin and simply let the soft touch of the golden rays embrace our skin? But the catch here is that it isn’t a golden opportunity which when seized gives us fruitful results, rather too much sun exposure crops up on the skin in the form of uneven skin tone. Well, any guesses? It's Skin Pigmentation, we are talking about! 

What is Skin Pigmentation?

Hyper-pigmentation is the second most common skin woe plaguing men and women alike. It usually occurs due to excessive melanin production in the skin and leads to the darkening of the skin colour and the formation of dark-coloured spots or patches on certain areas of the face and the body. Although the prime culprit behind pigmentation is excessive unprotected sun exposure (ultraviolet radiation), it can also occur due to acne, hormonal changes, age, injury to the skin, heredity, pregnancy, medications, chemotherapy, or skin inflammation due to wrong usage of skin care or beauty products. Pigmentation can also develop in the form of age spots, freckles, sunspots, liver spots, pregnancy marks, melasma etc.

Also Checkout: Blemishes: 5 Kitchen Ingredients To Get Rid Of Those Annoying Spots – Infographic

While it is extremely necessary to adequately use sunscreen for daytime skin care to prevent pigmentation, one surer way to fade away the formed spots, regenerate new skin cells and revive the lost radiance is by using Essential Oils. These natural botanicals might have become the latest buzzword in the beauty industry, but they have been used in conventional medicines since archaic times. When used correctly, i.e., by diluting it with a suitable carrier oil, they do wonders for the skin, clearing away imperfections and bestowing you with a crystal-clear radiant complexion.

Get Rid Of Pigmented Skin With Our Wide-Range Of Skin Care Products!

Certain suitable essential oils when applied on pigmented skin act as a gentle acid and remove the accumulation of dead cells while allowing the synthesis of a fresh new layer of cells to take its place. Additionally, they also treat chronic skin dryness, irritation, sun sensitivity, acne, eczema, and various ageing signs besides gradually fading dark spots and pigmented patches.

Also Read: 5 Powerful Anti-ageing Essential Oils To Revitalise Your Skin’s Glow And Beauty

Essential oils when applied on pigmented skin act as a gentle acid in removing the accumulation of dead cells and allowing the synthesis of a fresh new layer of cells to take its place.

Well, do not let pigmented skin ruin your self-esteem anymore! Here is a list of praise-worthy essential oils that come with the warranty to bequeath you with flawless, glassy skin naturally.

Foray through this infographic to know more:
