Panchatikta Ghrita, the ghee-based ayurvedic medicine, is a traditional remedy that has been used for many centuries for treating sudden breakouts of psoriasis, brittle bones, and bone degeneration. Indian traditional medicine Ayurveda recommends Panchatikta Ghrita for various skin-related issues for instant relief and to regain soft and supple skin. This medicine forms one of the main ingredients in Panchakarma treatment.

Ghrita in Sanskrit means ghee. Desi ghee is known for its enormous health benefits and anti-inflammatory properties and has always occupied an indispensable position in Ayurvedic medicine. Many traditional concoctions, churnas, or powders are often mixed with ghee to stimulate the therapeutic nature of the treatment.

Also Read: Desi Ghee: How To Make It, Nutrition, Benefits For Health, Skin And Recipes
Panchatikta Ghrita

Ayurvedic Indications Of Panchatikta Ghrita

According to Ayurvedic practitioners, Panchatikta ghrita is loaded with Shothahara or anti-inflammatory nature, making it a great sought-after medication for treating psoriasis. Prized for its pitta balancing abilities, Panchatikta ghrita, which is greasy to touch, provides instant hydration to the skin and reduces dry, flaky skin. The shodana or detoxification properties of this medicine aid in reducing the irritation related to eczema.

How Is Panchatikta Ghrita Made?

Panchatikta Ghrita, also known as Panchatikta ghee is predominantly a mix of neem, adoosa, harad, baheda, amla, giloy, and ghee. In smaller quantities, it also contains other ingredients like patola, vyaghri, guduchi, vasa, triphala, hartaki, and vibhitaki. The mention of Panchatikta Ghrita was first made in Bhaishajya Ratnavali Kushta Adhikara.

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Wash, dry and powder the herbs seperately.

Mix the powders of neem and vasa in water and boil till it reduces to half

Next add the other herb powders into the paste along with ghee

Then add neem and vasa concoction to it

Heat the mixture till the concoction turns frothy and then thick and forms a wick when rolled in between fingers

Store the ghee in an air-tight container to preserve its therapeutic properties

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Panchatikta Ghrita Melted

Benefits of Panchatikta Ghrita For Skin:


Psoriasis is a common skin condition that can cause scaly, itchy, red patches on the skin, causing severe irritation. This chronic skin condition usually appears on the knees, elbows, legs, trunk, and scalp and may cause pain. Consuming Panchatikta Ghrita greatly helps in reducing the problems associated with psoriasis.

Mix Panchatikta Ghrita with lukewarm water before or after meals and consume to get rid of psoriasis symptoms.


Hives, or Urticaria in medical language, is a skin breakout that can cause itchy rashes. Known as Sheetpitta in Sanskrit, this condition is often an allergic reaction caused due to the imbalances of Vata and Kapha. The Snigdha or oily nature of Panchatikta Ghrita controls itching and brings down skin dryness.


Eczema or Atopic Dermatitis is another common but chronic skin condition that can cause severe swelling on the skin. Caused due to Pitta dosha, according to Ayurveda, eczema shows up on the skin due to some infection in the blood. Panchatikta Ghrita, when consumed, detoxifies the blood and flushes out impurities, thus reducing the symptoms of eczema. It can also be a topical application for instantly soothing the skin.

Dry Skin:

For some, dry skin causes extreme irritation, and the skin needs to be hydrated constantly. Daily consumption of Panchatikta Ghrita not only hydrates the skin from within but also leaves you glowing.

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Panchatikta Ghrita For Bone Disorders:

Panchatikta Ghrita is recommended highly for chronic bone conditions, including osteoporosis, osteopenia, arthritis, etc. This medicine's Snigdha or oily properties prevent bone dehydration, improve collagen, and repair bone tissues.

The presence of various herbs in this medicine combats the complications caused due to vata and pitta doshas, which otherwise can lead to inflammation and fragility of bones. Regular intake of Panchatikta Ghrita maintains healthy bone tissue and nourishes bones, thus preventing and also for treating bone-related disorders.

Panchatikta Ghrita In Panchakrama Treatment:

Panchatikta Ghrita is a common medicine used in the Panchakarma process. It is usually administered through Vasti or enema to treat bone disorders like osteoporosis and decrease vata dosha.


This plant-based medicine is usually recommended for up to ¼ spoon daily, preferably after meals.

However, check with your doctor if this medicine is right for you if you are allergic to certain plants, herbs, and also lactose-intolerant. Do not exceed the prescribed duration.

What Are The Side Effects of Panchatikta Ghrita?

There are no known side effects of Panchatikta Ghrita. However, if you are a diabetic, or high blood pressure patient, talk to your doctor if this medicine is right for you. Patients with high LDL cholesterol levels should also seek their doctor's advice. Avoid self-medication.


Pregnant and lactating women are discouraged from taking this medicine unless their doctor recommends it.


Laden with anti-inflammatory properties, this herbal medicated ghee is a wonderful remedy for all sorts of skin woes. Just ensure that you have it in the recommended dosage to bathe in it’s benefits.