The entire world is facing a global health crisis yet again owing to the second wave of the highly infectious SARS-CoV2 virus. The number of fresh new cases and the death toll is increasing in an exponential manner every day even when the vaccinations have begun in full swing. The situation is much more critical now possibly due to several social and economic factors. The absolute management of this deadly pandemic is still evolving, and several attempts are being carried out to integrate standard medical intervention along with traditional care.

The current understanding of Covid-19 primarily indicates that a well sound immunity is extremely beneficial to prevent and to safeguard from the disease. Moreover, since the cases are peaking at the time of change of seasons, a mere common cold virus or allergic symptoms are even causing people to panic owing to the similarity of the symptoms. In the wake of coronavirus, the Indian Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy (AYUSH) chiefly recommends regular consumption of immune-boosting remedies as a self-care guideline for preventive health measures and boosting immunity with special reference to respiratory health.


According to Ayurveda, Ojus is considered as responsible for Vyadhikshamatva (immunity). It is achieved by two approaches viz., VyadhiBalaVirodhitva and Vyadhyutpadaka Pratibandhakatva. Among them, Vyadhibalavirodhitva is achieved by improving the immunity of an individual's body, while Vyadhyutpadaka Pratibandhakatva is created by using recipes that are specific in preventing disease. Mainly, the Kapha Doshas are responsible for regulating the respiratory and nasal systems and hence a good bolster to the immune system can easily uplift the overall respiratory health and immunity and reduce the risk of contracting different types of infections. One such brilliant ayurvedic formulation recommended by the Ayush Health Ministry for its powerful anti-pyretic and bronchodilatory properties is Nagaradi Kashayam.

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What Is Nagaradi Kashayam?

Nagaradi Kashayam, also known as Amruthotharam kashayam is a classical ayurvedic medication designed specifically for vitiating Kapha Doshas including chronic fever, cough, cold, sore throat, evading infections and even good for constipation and loss of appetite. Enriched with potent bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory qualities, this formulation bolsters immunity, remedies fever, and provides relief from an abrupt asthma attack by increasing the airflow to the lungs and dilating and relaxing the bronchial passageways.

Ayurvedic Indications

Time and again, this ayurvedic medication has been mentioned in several ancient scriptures written by the sage Charaka and Susruta for the following indications including Kasahara (Relieves cough), Kapha-Vata hara (treats Kapha and Vata imbalances), Balya (increase strength), Anulomana (improves breathing), Ama nashak (removes toxins), Svasha hara (treats asthma), Jwara hara (reduces fever), Deepana (enhances stomach fire), Pachana (helps in digestion), Rochana (stimulates appetite), Hikkanigrahana (treats incessant hiccups), Kantya (relieves sore throat), Triptighno (relieves pseudo-satiation), and Rasayani (rejuvenates the whole body).

Nagaradi Kashayam Ingredients

How To Prepare Nagaradi Kashayam?


2 parts Nagara (Ginger / Sonth) - Zingiber officinale              

4 parts Terminalia Chebula – Haritaki      

6 parts (Amruta / Giloy / Guduchi) - Tinospora Cordifolia

Water as per requirement


Wash and sundry all the herbs separately.

Grind them into coarse powder.

Take all the three powders in a large vessel and add water to it.

Boil the water till it becomes ¼ of the original quantity.

Filter the mixture using a muslin cloth.

Store the decoction in food-grade containers for future use.

Health Benefits of Nagaradi Kashayam

Remedies Respiratory Anomalies

Recurrent coughs and congested throat can cause a lot of discomforts and prevent a peaceful good night’s sleep while making you feel tired and exhausted. Being rich in anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and expectorant properties, this ayurvedic proprietary formulation holds high significance in treating the common cold, sore throat, incessant cough and flu symptoms. It also reduces chest and nasal congestion gets rid of excess catarrh deposits and inhibits nasal discharge. It is also highly effective in treating asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis and other respiratory illnesses. Drink this concoction daily to prevent respiratory infections and improve lung health.

Also Read: Respiratory Health: 5 Incredible Herbs To Boost Your Lung Power

Relieves Fever

Enriched with potent analgesic, antipyretic and temperature-reducing properties, Nagaradi Kashayam is pivotal in managing and treating different types of fever. It not only reduces the body temperature and treats intermittent and high fever but also effective against fever due to common cold, flu and influenza.

Wards Off Infections

The abundance of antimicrobial, anti-bacterial, and antiseptic properties, makes this herbal concoction the absolute solution to ward off various infections. The bio-active components of the aromatic herbs in use work wonder in bolstering immunity and preventing bacterial infestation. It not only helps to reduce the risk of various bacterial and fungal infections like fever, tuberculosis, dengue, etc. but also prevents allergic conditions on the skin.

Also Read: Bolster Your Ojas: 5 Powerful Ayurvedic Herbs That Keep You Healthy & Fit

Promotes Digestion

Apart from boosting the lung health, owing to its carminative and digestive properties, Nagaradi Kashayam provides an effective solution for all digestive woes. The anti-flatulent property reduces the formation of gas in the alimentary canal, thus reducing flatulence, constipation, bloating and abdominal distension and also promotes better absorption of nutrients in the body.

Purifies Blood

Enriched with detoxifying properties, the decoction is extremely beneficial in purifying the blood. By cleansing the blood, it improves blood circulation and also helps to remove the toxins and stress hormones from the bloodstream.

Treats Gout

The anti-gout and anti-inflammatory characteristics of the herbs used in Nagaradi Kashayam makes it a one-stop remedy for treating gout as it reduces the uric acid levels in the body by actively flushing it through the kidneys and hence, preventing them from getting deposited in the synovial tissues. It also effectively reduces pain, swelling, oedema and inflammation due to gouty arthritis.

Eases Arthritic Pain

Nagaradi Kashayam intrinsically possesses powerful analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, which is extremely beneficial in reducing joint and muscle pain, thereby reducing the chances of chronic autoimmune inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid arthritis which occurs due to the vitiation of Vata Doshas. Being a natural vasodilator, it is also used to treat painful muscle spasms, sore muscles, arthritic conditions, and other inflammatory situations.

Manages Liver Anomalies

The incredible herbs that are used to formulate Nagaradi Kashayam possesses powerful hepatoprotective and hepatostimulative properties which makes it a magical remedy during jaundice, in which the liver gets mostly effected. The medication offers support to the liver functioning by secreting bile which in turn helps the liver enzymes to come down to normal levels. It also cleanses and detoxifies the liver and improves liver functioning.


The effectual therapeutic dosage of Nagaradi Kashayam usually varies from person to person depending upon the age, body strength, effects on appetite, severity, and condition of the patient. It is strongly recommended to consult an ayurvedic doctor or practitioner as he or she would evaluate the patient’s indications, past medical conditions and prescribe an effective dose for a specific time period.

Adults: 10 – 20 ml, along with equal quantity of warm water and sugar, immediately after meals or as suggested by the ayurvedic doctor or health care provider.

Side Effects

Imbued with immense health-promoting herbal ingredients, Nagaradi Kashayam is effective in recommended doses. But if it is consumed in excess or without prior consultation with a doctor, it can lead to side effects and allergic reactions including heartburn, gastric irritation, loose stool and burning sensation in the abdomen It also strictly advised for pregnant women not to consume this herbal concoction without consulting a doctor.


This amazing immune-boosting traditional concoction enriched with a quarry of natural herbal components has umpteen health benefits. Be it preventing cough and cold, asthma, boosting immunity, providing relief from sore throat and sinusitis or promoting digestion, nagaradi kashayam does it all. Consume this powerful ayurvedic herb during the flu season to shield your body from various infectious diseases.


Frequently Asked Questions

What Are The Key Components Used To Formulate Nagaradi Kashayam?

The common herbs used for formulating Nagaradi Kashayam include ginger, long pepper, black pepper, Indian gooseberry, haritaki, giloy, turmeric, liquorice, and holy basil, depending upon the Ayurvedic scripture being used. These herbs are carefully opted out for their beneficial properties in enhancing respiratory functions.

What Are The Therapeutic Benefits Of Nagaradi Kashayam?

Nagaradi Kashayam is famed for its therapeutic benefits in remedying respiratory abnormalities such as cough, cold, bronchitis, asthma, and sinusitis. It helps to mitigate inflammation, clear nasal and chest congestion, soothe the respiratory tract, promote digestion, detoxify the blood, relieve gout etc.

How Is Nagaradi Kashayam Prepared?

Nagaradi Kashayam is primarily prepared by boiling the powdered herbs in water until it reduces to one-quarter of the original volume to become a syrup of thick consistency. This liquid is then strained and consumed warmly or stored in glass bottles for future use.

Can Pregnant And Breast-Feeding Women Take Nagaradi Kashayam?

While Nagaradi Kashayam is usually considered safe for most individuals, it is strictly recommended to consult with an Ayurvedic practitioner or healthcare professional in case it is being administered to pregnant women and lactating mothers since there is no availability of credible data regarding the usage of the same in the afore-mentioned women.

Does Nagaradi Kashayam Cause Any Side-Effects?

Nagaradi Kashayam is usually considered safe and well-tolerated when taken in the recommended dosage and under the guidance of an Ayurvedic doctor. However, some individuals may experience mild gastrointestinal discomfort or allergic reactions like heartburn, loose stool, gastric irritation, and a burning sensation in the abdomen.