The neck is an important part of the body and most of the time we tend to ignore it. Neck pain has become a very common scenario with the increased use of phones, other gadgets, TVs, and use of computers. Sitting in the same spot for long periods can cause muscle stiffness. We all know that neck posture plays an essential role in overall spinal alignment and keeps the head in the centre of gravity. Poor neck posture can lead to headaches, neck, and shoulder pain, and sometimes even neck injuries. The article delves into the reasons for this health problem and five simple exercises to strengthen the neck.

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One of the biggest reasons among many is using laptops or computers that are not properly adjusted for their height causing neck strain. When we lean our head forward, the load on the neck muscles increases manifold times. Thus, from reducing the risk of injury to improving posture, the importance of strengthening our neck muscles is immense.

Also Read: Neck Lines: Magical DIY Masks To Erase Those Unsightly Creases In A Jiffy

To reduce the risk of neck pain, always set up a work area with a desk and chair that are the right height and adjust the monitor so that it is at eye level. Moreover, we must take frequent breaks to stretch which will alleviate neck pain. Here are some simple exercises that you can very easily add to your daily routine, especially if you are working on computers for long hours. This will help you minimize the pain and strain in your neck area and regular practice of these exercises can contribute to overall neck health and comfort.

Neck Tilts

Tilt your head to one side slowly and bring your ear toward your shoulder. Hold for 10-15 seconds, allowing the muscles to relax and feel the stretch. Repeat the same on the other side. This will promote flexibility and relieve tension.

Neck Rotation

Turn your head to one side gently as you align your chin with your shoulder. Hold for about seven to ten seconds as you feel a gentle stretch.  Repeat on the other side. This exercise enhances the range of motion and reduces stiffness.

Neck Flexion

Lower your chin towards the chest gently till you begin to feel a stretch along the back of your neck. Hold for about 10 seconds, deepening the stretch. Slowly return to the starting position. This exercise helps alleviate tension in the upper neck and promotes flexibility.

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Neck Extension

Tilt your head backward, looking towards the ceiling. Hold for 10 seconds, feeling a stretch in the front of your neck. Return to the neutral position. This exercise enhances the flexibility of the neck and helps counteract the effects of prolonged forward head posture.

Neck Retraction

Gently draw your head backward, aligning it with your spine. Hold for 15 seconds, emphasizing good posture. Release and repeat. This exercise promotes neck stability and reduces strain, making it particularly beneficial for those who spend extended periods in a forward head position.


Effectiveness of exercise in office workers with neck pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Shereen Louw,1 Shale Makwela,1 Lorisha Manas,1 Lyle Meyer,1 Daniele Terblanche,1 and Yolandi Brinkcorresponding author1

1Department of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Stellenbosch University, South Africa. Corresponding author Yolandi Brink,


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