In the present-day modern and fast-paced society, where first impressions are key and looking presentable at work or a party is essential, every woman out there yearns for that miracle to diminish all signs of ageing. Be it those thin furrows, obvious jagged wrinkles or the rather prominent and often embarrassing neck lines.

Also Read: The Elixir Of Youth: Proven Ayurvedic Herbs For Astounding Anti-Ageing Benefits

Neck Lines

Yes indeed, ageing takes a toll not only on the appearance of the skin on the face, but also negatively impacts the tissues in the vicinity of the neck. Dents begin to form on the neck’s skin surface primarily owing to a decrease in collagen production, in addition to environmental damage from prolonged sun exposure, vitamin and mineral nutrient deficiencies, not following a proper skincare routine. Furthermore, factors such as a sedentary lifestyle, smoking habits and directly encountering UV rays exacerbate the folds on the skin, making lines on the neck all the more noticeable.

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Natural Homemade Recipes To Get Rid Of Neck Lines:

Ladies fret not, for there are ample solutions provided by Mother Nature and her vast bounty of flora, to ensure those unappealing necklines fade away, which visibly reverse the age-clock too. Foray through this article, describes three simple DIY concoctions with almonds, peaches, rice flour, to bid farewell to necklines and say hello to youthful, glowing skin.

Almond and Milk cream

Almond And Milk Cream:


7 almonds

½ cup milk


Soak the almonds in milk overnight and grind it into a paste.

Smear this paste evenly all over the surface of the neck and let it stay for 10 minutes.

Rinse off with cold water and pat dry.

Use this almond and milk cream twice a week for best results.

How It Works:

Almonds possess copious amounts of vitamin E and healthy fats like oleic acid, which thoroughly moisturize tissues in the neck, plumping up sunken regions and eliminating dull, lifeless skin. Abounding in proteins and biotin, milk works wonders to lighten and brighten skin tone, leaving behind an even complexion and a soft, smooth texture. It also contains ample volumes of lactic acid, which effectively removes dirt, debris from the surface of the neck, for significantly younger-looking skin.

Also Read: Incredible Benefits Of Almonds For Soft Skin And Healthy Hair

Peach And Coconut Oil Lotion:


1 small peach

3 tbsp coconut oil


Peel the skin of the peach, remove the seeds and extract the pulp into a bowl.

Mix it with coconut oil to obtain a homogenous fluid paste.

Gently massage this lotion onto the neck after cleansing and drying.

Leave it on for 30 minutes, then wash off with lukewarm water.

How It Works:

Peaches are blessed with the goodness of vitamin C, the superhero ingredient for all anti-ageing purposes. Housing antioxidant traits, this helps tighten the pores on the skin in the neck, as well as banish wrinkles, deep lines and dry, dark patches. Laden with vitamin E and numerous skin-fortifying fatty acids, coconut oil is a time-tested remedy for rejuvenating skin texture by replenishing tissues in the neck, to provide velvety-soft, nourished skin.

Rice Flour And Lemon Juice Scrub:


1 cup rice flour

2 tbsp lemon juice


Combine the rice flour and lemon juice in a vessel, to form a slightly coarse, granular scrub.

Rub this mixture slowly in circular motions, all along the surface of the neck, to permit it to penetrate the deeper layers of skin.

Keep it on for 5 minutes and then wash with cold water.

Use this rice flour and lemon juice scrub once a week, to reduce the appearance of neck lines.

How It Works:

Rice flour is imbued with B vitamins and anti-inflammatory compounds, that help combat pimples, acne breakouts and skin discolouration in the region of the neck. Also, it has a coarse quality which makes it a superb natural exfoliating ingredient. Vast reserves of vitamin C, antioxidants and minerals in juice extracts of lemon make it a great organic ingredient for a complete skin detox, removing all dirt, dead cells, impurities, in addition to minimizing neck lines and revamping skin.