Navel therapy, also known as Pechoti in the realm of Ayurveda, is a time-honoured practice that involves the application of oil around the belly button coupled with a delicate massage. This technique is rooted in ancient wisdom and focuses on activating the vital nexus of nerves behind the navel.

 Thought to be a reservoir of life force energy, applying oil around the belly button and gently massaging it daily is believed to play a pivotal role in harmonizing the body and mind. When performed regularly, this therapeutic ritual is said to confer an array of profound benefits, offering a holistic approach to well-being.

 Incorporating navel therapy into your routine can be a holistic approach to promote physical and mental well-being, embracing the wisdom of Ayurveda for a healthier lifestyle.
navel oiling

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Benefits of Navel Therapy:

 Balances Energy Flow: 

 Navel therapy is designed to harmonize the subtle energy channels, promoting a balanced and unobstructed flow of prana throughout the body. This restoration of energy equilibrium is foundational to overall well-being.

 Improves Digestion: 

 Through the gentle manipulation of the abdominal region, navel therapy stimulates digestive organs, fostering improved digestion and mitigating common issues like bloating and indigestion.

 Boosts Immunity: 

 Regular practice of navel therapy is thought to fortify the immune system, shielding against illnesses and promoting robust health from within.

 Also Read: Essential Oils: 5 Incredible Natural Oils For Every Skin Type- Infographic

 Relieves Menstrual Discomfort: 

 Particularly beneficial for women, navel therapy is believed to alleviate menstrual discomfort by addressing hormonal imbalances and fostering a harmonious menstrual cycle.

 Enhances Blood Circulation: 

 The gentle massage associated with navel therapy enhances blood circulation, supporting cardiovascular health and contributing to a radiant complexion. This improved circulation also aids in efficiently transporting nutrients throughout the body.

 Choosing the right oil is crucial for a practical navel therapy session. Ayurveda recommends oils with warming properties. 

 Here are some oils suitable for Pechoti:

 Sesame Oil: 

 Known for its warming nature, sesame oil is often used to pacify Vata dosha and enhance circulation.

 Coconut Oil: 

 With its nourishing properties, coconut oil is excellent for Pitta dosha and can soothe inflammation.

 Mustard Oil: 

 Mustard oil is believed to invigorate and stimulate the Pechoti gland and is ideal for balancing Kapha dosha.

 Castor Oil: 

 Renowned for its detoxifying qualities, castor oil is recommended for its ability to cleanse and rejuvenate.


 Clarified butter or ghee is a gentle option suitable for all doshas, offering a soothing and nourishing effect.