As you age, skin renewal slows down, resulting in the skin losing elasticity, discolouring, and developing fine lines and wrinkles. Exfoliants like AHAs are popular skincare ingredients that loosen the top layer of the older skin cells. These powerful elements work well to uplift the overall skin look and fade away signs of ageing. Well, using the right type of acids is one of the most potent ways to attain brighter, clearer, and smoother skin. One such powerful acid is mandelic acid which is gentle and may support combat acne, fade away fine lines and wrinkles, and uplift the overall appearance of uneven skin.
Woman doing skincare

Read this article to know the benefits, uses and how to add mandelic acid in your skincare regimen.

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What Is Mandelic Acid?

Mandelic acid is obtained from bitter almonds, it is the type of alpha hydroxy acid that offer skincare incentives ranging from exfoliation to promoting hydration and firmness. Mandelic acids are largely used as chemical peels or exfoliants in a skincare regimen. It is suitable for all types of skin, even for those who find other exfoliants harsher for their skin. Mandelic acid is a large molecule when compared to other acids like glycolic acid and lactic acid, thus it slowly diffuses into the skin. This slow absorption means that it feels less irritating to the skin than other AHAs.

Also Read: Ceramides: Discover The Surprising Beauty Benefits Of This Fatty Acid

Benefits of Mandelic Acid

Fades Away Wrinkles

Mandelic is a strong anti-ageing element in beauty care products. It works to speed up cell turnover by dissolving the tiny bonds that hold skin cells together, thus supporting clear dead skin cells on the surface, as well as fading away fine lines. Further, it also boosts collagen, the building block of the skin making it youthful and toned.

Treats Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation/ melasma is a skin condition in which light to dark brown or greyish pigmentation occurs on the face. Mandelic acid is well known to lower melasma by as much as 50% in four weeks, thus resulting in a more evenly coloured skin complexion.

Also Read: Hyperpigmentation: 5 Superb DIY Recipes To Diminish Dark Spots- Infographic

Combats Acne

Excess oil secretion, bacteria, dead skin cells and inflammation can trigger acne breakouts. Potent antibacterial traits of mandelic acid are highly valuable in fighting acne. Using skincare products containing mandelic acid supports to control of sebum production, unclogs pores, and reduces inflammation. Furthermore, it has even been shown to benefit those suffering from cystic acne.

Exfoliates skin

Mandelic acid is known to loosen the bonds that adhere to dead or old skin cells on the skin surface. This property helps to fend off old, dryer skin cells to regenerate new smoother skin cells. Also, using mandelic based skincare products supports makes your skin smoother and firmer.


Though mandelic acid is considered mild and gentle on sensitive skin, you should seek advice from a dermatologist before using or starting any new face treatment. Your dermatologist will recommend the right product based on individual needs and ways to appropriately incorporate mandelic acid into your skincare routine and what products to use.

Side effects of mandelic acid

There’s always a risk of side effects when using any skincare essential. Some people may use mandelic acid without any issue, but one should stop using it if you experience any kind of irritation, including:

  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Itching
However, if skin irritation occurs after days or weeks of using this acid, then it may be due to overuse. Reduce the frequency of using products containing mandelic acid in a day and see if your skin improves. If not talk to your dermatologist about the issue and follow their instructions.