Bad skin days like bad hair days can get into a grumpy mood instantly and the only way to fix is to do whatever it takes to keep it glowing, radiant and healthy. Skin is the largest organ of our body and it safeguards us from various external factors like pollution, injuries and it even brings us loads of compliments. So, it’s only fair that we give it the love and pampering it deserves.

Well, there is no lack of skin care tips and tricks flooding the internet and word-of-mouth advice from friends and family, is always given freely. From age old grandmother’s wisdom to the latest beauty hacks, it is all out there.

We’ve put together 5 golden skin care rules that will ensure you have the skin of your dreams even as you age.
Woman applying cream onto her face

Say Yes To Sunscreen:

Sunscreen is your must-have shield to protect the skin, through all seasons and for good reasons. Ultraviolet rays not only change your complexion forever making it look dull but are also carcinogenic and make skin age faster. Choose a good quality sunscreen with SPF 30 or above and apply it generously on the face, neck, hands, legs and feet to build a barrier which can block ultraviolet rays and prevent them from unleashing all that damage on the skin.

Also Read: Sunguard Your Skin With These Homemade Sunscreens

Nurture Gut Flora:

Sounds interesting right? If you were ever told that what you eat, reflects on your face – this is what they were talking about. Medical experts say that many skin conditions like sudden breakout of acne, psoriasis and eczema are a result of poor dietary habits like consumption of excess fat or too much junk. If you are experiencing allergic skin reactions or other dermatological issues, right after eating processed foods, white sugars and high on gluten stuff, stop it right away. Allow the good bacteria to grow in your gut if you want healthy, beautiful skin.

Treat Skin To Regular Facials:

For many of us, a facial is often a quick fix before going to a party or a wedding. Facials are an amazing way to trigger a good amount of blood circulation, retain moisturise, regenerate new skin cells and maintain skin health. Go for a facial that suits you best at least once a month and ensure to get a nice massage for a super glowing look.

Choose Natural Ingredients:

Not all fats are bad as there are many good ones too. Traditional wisdom suggests including coconut, groundnut, nuts and flaxseeds in our daily diet to derive the benefits of good fats to glow from within. These fats aid in building stronger cell membranes and decrease the occurrence of skin dryness. Similarly, opt for flavonoid rich foods like citrus fruits and legumes or use beauty products like facial creams, gels or facials masks that are derived from these plant-based sources to combat hyperpigmentation, promote collagen production and lighten complexion.

Put A Mask On:

Using a face mask is not a cumbersome job anymore. Thanks to beauty innovations, thin, sheet like face masks soaked in the natural goodness of various plant-based products like rose water, honey, orange peel and lavender are readily available in the market. Pick up the right face mask for your skin type that comes with lots of hydration, vitamin E and other major components and make it a habit to use it once a week to maintain that ravishing look.

Also Read: Healing Benefits Of Honey For Skin Health And Beauty

Pamper The Areas Under The Eye

Wrinkles are known to be the first signs of ageing and they show up around the eye area. Fine lines, wrinkles, and crow’s feet appear sooner than most other aging signs. Thus, taking care of sensitive under-eye areas, every night before going to bed is essential.

Get Enough Sleep

Sleeping for at least eight to nine hours is vital for healthy skin. The skin makes new collagen when we sleep. By not sleeping enough, our skin can appear dehydrated which naturally makes fine lines more visible, especially under the eye area since the skin is thin. Therefore, a good night’s sleep is inevitable for great skin health.

Don’t Ignore Your Feet And Arms

Generally, the feet are the most neglected part of the body. We spend time a lot of time on skincare but ignore the feet. Take care of your feet if you see constant swelling in the feet and ankles. Never expose your heels to dust as it may cause cracked heels, dryness, and dead skin on the feet.