Make-up can make a woman flaunt her best looks with confidence. Several beauty products are extensively used while altering with the looks but nothing can enhance the appearance like an eye make-up does.

Woman applying eye make-up

Well-done make-up on the eyes right from tweaked eyebrows, curly eye lashes with ample mascara, colourful eye shadow to that one deft stroke of an eyeliner add enormous appeal to a woman’s face.

We all love smoky, shimmery, candlelit eyes but that one wrong stroke can cause severe eye allergies. Eyes are extremely sensitive and even a speck of residual make-up can lead to disastrous health complications and cost vision.

Common Make-up Related Problems:

Scratched Cornea: An eye mascara applicator or an eye liner are the main culprits that can cause a scratched cornea. An abrasion while using these applicators can cause severe infections and in rare cases may lead to irreparable damage.

Allergic Reactions: Allergic reactions are quite common with those using regular eye make-up. The most important step is to clean all the make-up before going to bed and any residual product can cause redness, irritation, swelling or infection to the eyes. Also check the label for ingredients before buying the products that might cause you allergies. 

Conjunctivitis: Conjunctivitis or pink eye is the most common problem, caused due to wrong make-up. Most make-up products come with preservatives that can restrict the growth of bacteria. However, an expired or poorly maintained products can attract bacterial growth leading to conjunctivitis.

Contaminated Lens: If you are wearing contact lens, you are more susceptible to allergies related to eye makeup. Even a tiny bit of make-up on the lens can contaminate it causing instant irritation and allergy.

How To Prevent Make-up Related Eye Problems

Do not get worried with what you all have read. You can rock your looks with these easy tips.

Do Not Share: Do never share your makeup items with others. Sharing your eye make-up items with others may cause bacterial infections that lead to severe irritation and conjunctivitis.

Use Fresh Products: It is strongly recommended by the dermatologists to replace your eye make-up for every three to four months. Throw the old ones and always avoid the expired ones. Do not use products that are clumpy.

Avoid Application On-The-Go: Avoid wearing eye make-up while traveling or in a moving car. Even a small mistake can cause an abrasion of the cornea leading to severe issues.

Replace After An Infection: If you have suffered from a bacterial infection in the eye, it’s time to immediately replace all the items. It will stop further spreading of the bacteria and recurring infections.

Remove Make-up: Ensure you remove all the eye make-up and clean it with plain water before going to bed. Use good coconut, almond, jojoba oil or wipe it clean with cotton swab soaked in milk.