Ghee the most treasured foods in Indian cuisine and even valued widely in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for its most astonishing healing properties. From our dals to Pongal, khichdi and mouthwatering sweets, ghee is a key ingredient in Indian kitchens. The very idea of replacing ghee with refined oils is probably one of the biggest slip-ups of modern cooking.

Adding Ghee

Ghee is loaded with fat-soluble vitamins, Omega -3 fatty acids and butyric acids, which helps in weight loss, promotes gut health, boost the immunity and to your surprise maintains healthy cholesterol. Pure desi ghee is made from clarified butter of cow’s milk. What many don’t know is that ghee can aid in beauty care, keeping your skin supple and hair healthy. 

Benefits of adding ghee to your daily diet

Weight loss

All weight-watchers see ghee as the most fattening food and not looking into its nutrient profile. Ghee is packed with essential fatty acids butyric acids and medium chain triglycerides which aids in clearing the clogged fat and getting rid of it. The omega fatty acids in ghee help to increase lean body mass and reduce fat mass. With all these amazing properties, ghee is a great value-add in your weight loss diet.

Promotes Vision

The abundance of vitamin A in ghee make it good source of food to boost eye health. Vitamin A plays a crucial role in helping the eyes to get adapted to light changes. The moistness in eyes depends upon the presence of Vitamin A in the body, so start including ghee in your regular regimen for better vision and eye health.

Good Sources Of Short Chain Fatty Acids

The nutritional profile of ghee shows that it is naturally rich in butyric acid which makes it a strong immune booster. Evidence proves the amazing benefit of butyric acid even accredited as anticancer property. Those with weak digestive tract issues may not produce enough butyric acid and hence benefits from adding ghee to the diet.

Promotes Digestion

Evidence strongly recommends that ghee nutrition content that includes gastric juices which help in promoting digestion. Gastric juices contain enzymes that assist in breaking down foods into simpler compounds. So, a teaspoon of ghee in your roti does more than just softening it. 

Valued by Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, ghee is used as a carrier for nutrients in herbs and lubricate the digestive tract and all the tissue inside the body. It is widely used in the Ayurvedic cleanse, as the preferred vehicle for clearing out the unwanted fat and helps the body to burn stored fat for fuel. The aroma and flavour will not only kindle your appetite but will also help in better absorption of the nutrient from the foods. Ghee plays a great role in Ayurveda to cure vata and pitta.

Natural Moisturizer

Ghee is a wonderful natural moisturizer, not just applying it externally it works but also your skin membranes have phospholipids in them. By adding ghee, the essential fats in your diet, it ensures you can good supple skin from the inside out.

Is Ghee Good For Health?

Ghee is an abundant source of saturated fats. The role of saturated fats, when it comes to heart health is always a topic of debate among health experts. Well, the human body cannot perform normal bodily processes without saturated fats either, but an excess amount of saturated fat is unhealthy. The key is to add in limited quantities. Saturated fat is essential for proper brain function. Though ghee contains saturated fats, adding them in limited amounts can uplift the aroma and taste of the food and also confer essential fatty acids to the body.

Most healthy individuals will not experience any health issues from having ghee. However, people who are predisposed to hereditary disorders like cardiovascular diseases should refrain from using ghee.

Augments Nervous System

Ghee is well known to positively impact the central nervous system functioning in the brain but can also promote the enteric nervous system in the gut. Packed with vital vitamins and minerals, ghee regulates and repairs the intestinal lining, thus maintaining brain health and gut functions.

Gut Health

Ghee is rich in butyric acid, which is a type of short-chain fatty acid that promotes the growth of probiotic bacteria in the gut and optimizes normal digestive function. Apart from this, adding ghee to the meal plan helps to balance the amount of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and aids the production of bile in the liver.