Jhau is an evergreen shrub, bestowed with powerful medicinal traits in its leaves, flowers, and roots. The richness of potent chemical constituents such as saponins, glycosides, flavonoids, tannins, phenols, alkaloids, and steroids in Jhau aids in conferring numerous health benefitting actions. Jhau is known by its botanical name Tamarix dioicia, and it is a small tree that grows in saline regions in western Asia.

This herbal plant is credited to possess liver-protecting traits owing to the presence of antioxidants that avert free radical damage to the liver cells. While the goodness of flavonoids in Jhau aid to lessen hepatic and spleen inflammation. It also offers respite from flatulence and improves the functioning of the digestive system due to its carminative nature. According to the holistic science of Ayurveda, this wonder herb aids in healing wounds due to its Ropan (healing) and Kashaya (astringent) actions. It helps in restoring inflamed tissue and nurtures the skin. Additionally, the strong antimicrobial and antifungal actions of Jhau avert the risk of skin infections.
Jhau Plant

Jhau Plant

Jhau is a twiggy small shrub or tree with reddish bark that grows to a height of 6 m. The leaves are greyish green in colour, with tiny scale-like, overlapping along the stem. Male and female flowers grow on separate plants and the inflorescences are racemes up to 8 cm long with pink or purple flowers. Jhau is an indigenous plant to Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Burma.

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Common Names Of Jhau

Jhau is known by different names in different regions of the world such as Tamarixgallica, Indian Tamarisk, Jhao, Pichul, Pakke, SiruSavukku, Jhabuk, Aphalah, Bahugranthih, Jhavukah, Pichulah, Ciru-cavukku, Kotai-cavukku.

Uses Of Jhau

Jhau is highly potential herb in treating numerous health anomalies. Several studies reveal that this herbal plant acts as a catalyst in curing low risk or high-risk disease. Also, Jhau works as sure-shot natural remedial cure for several ailments like microbial infections, worm infections, liver disease, fever, and digestive issues.

Health Benefits

Remedies Liver Problems

Jhau root extract is attributed to possessing hepatoprotective action that aids to regulate liver issues. Packed with antioxidants, and flavonoids that combat liver cell against free radical’s damage and improves liver function.

Treats Kidney Stones

Jhau is valued as an effective herbal remedy for improving kidney function and lessening the chance of stone formation. As per Ayurveda, Mutrashmari (renal stones) is a disease of Vata-Kapha origin which results in Sanga (obstruction) in the Mutravaha Srotas (urinary system). Taking this herbal extract aids to eliminate renal stones by increasing urinary output owing to its Mutral (diuretic)nature.

Cures Fever

Thanks to the antipyretic trait of Jhau roots that help in treating fever. Consumption of Jhau root powder concoctions aids to bring body temperature and eases the symptoms.

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Wound Healing

The topical application of jahu leaves or flower paste on the affected region helps in healing the wound. Terpenoids present in Jhau aid in strengthening skin cells by restoring the damage. Furthermore, it also increases the blood flow to the affected region and speeds up the healing process.

Cures Bleeding Gums

The powerful astringent (khashaya) and absorbent (Grahi)nature of Jhau is beneficial in lowering swelling and inflammation caused due to bleeding gums.


Jhau's seeds, fresh leaves, powder, kwath or sharbat form are used in ayurvedic medicine for treating health anomalies. It is made as herbal tonics, extracts or applied topically to the affected region to treat several disorders.

The therapeutic dosage of Jhau varies from person to person depending upon their age, the severity of the health condition and the effects on doshas. It is always suggested to consult an ayurvedic practitioner, as he or she will recommend the right dose for a specific period.

Side Effects

Jhau is usually well tolerated and considered safe to be taken in recommended amount by most healthy adults as prescribed by the doctor.


Since there is not enough scientific information available regarding the consumption of Jhau or the herb extract in case of pregnancy and breastfeeding. Thus, pregnant or breast-feeding women, are strictly advised to avoid taking this herb in any form without consulting with their doctor.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Take This Supplement To Treat Flatulence?

Yes, Jhau leaves offer respite from gas and indigestion issues owing to its carminative action. Taking Jhau extract decreases the build-up of gas in the alimentary canal and facilitates its release and promotes gut functions.

Does Jhau Combat Inflammation?

The roots of Jhau are beneficial in reducing inflammation in the liver and spleen due to the richness of bioactive compounds flavonoids and saponins. These components are attributed to have an anti-inflammatory trait that offers respite from spleen and liver inflammation.

Can I Take Jhau With Other Supplements Or Medicines?

It is always advisable to consult with your doctor before taking any herbal supplements along with other medicines or supplements to prevent any drug interaction.

 Is Jhau Good For Healing Fungal Infections?

Yes, topical application of Jhau extract may help combat fungal infections due to its antifungal action. It inhibits the growth of fungi in the affected region and averts further infections.

Can I Use Jhau For Wound Healing?

Yes, Jhau leaves, and flowers are packed with antioxidants and wound-healing traits that may help in a faster healing process. It works to restore inflamed tissue by improving blood flow and speeding up wound healing.