Do you feel dizzy when you try to get up after sitting for a long time, get blurred vision or feel as if everything is moving around you? Do heights make you feel uneasy? Well, if any of these symptoms imply to you, then you my friend, are suffering from Vertigo.

What Is Vertigo?

For the unversed, Vertigo is a disorder or a symptom of an underlying disease characterized by a sensation of spinning, blurry vision, nausea, ringing in the ear, sweating and misbalance due to a disturbance in the sense of balance and equilibrium in the brain. It chiefly arises due to disturbances in the inner ear, the region that is tasked to monitor the directions of motion.

Also Read: Vertigo – Causes, Symptoms And Treatment
Woman with vertigo

From a lack or drop in blood flow to the ear, accumulation of calcium or fluid in the ear cavities, a viral attack due to cold or flu, damage to the skull, a tumor, syphilis, or multiple sclerosis, any disturbances in the inner ear can ultimately affect the nerve connectors to the brain, causing severe vertigo accompanied with loss of hearing, nausea, and dizziness. Even certain foods or airborne particles like dust, pollens, danders, molds, etc., to which one is allergic too can also trigger the symptoms of vertigo.

The symptoms of vertigo can last for moments or be ongoing for months, but whatever be the case, people suffering from this condition know how problematic it can be when it interferes with routine life. Well, there are several allopathic routes to treat this condition, but if you prefer the natural way sans any side effects, trust us when we say, Yoga can be your saviour.

Also Read: Vertigo: 5 Amazing Home Remedies To Ease Dizziness

How Does Yoga Help Manage Vertigo?

This timeless practice characterizes certain postures that chiefly work on the nervous system, balance the body center, inner ear and strengthens it to ultimately help build concentration and focus. These yogasanas also has a strong foothold on the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems and increases the blood circulation in the head and other parts of the body.

We bring you five such restorative and calming yoga postures that promotes healthy flow of blood to the brain cells, thereby helping to cure vertigo and its symptoms.
Yoga poses to treat vertigo

Superb Yoga Poses To Treat Vertigo

1. Balasana (Baby Pose)

Get down on your knees, keeping the spine straight. Now slowly bend forwards such that both the thighs touch the chest. Keep bending forwards until your head is beyond the knee and touches the ground. Straighten both the arms backward on either side of your legs with your palms, downwards facing the floor. Be in this position for 20-25 seconds, take few seconds of break and again repeat 2-3 times.


The Baby Pose that resembles that of a playful baby plays a pivotal role in stretching the entire body including the hip joint and muscles. Not only does it increase overall balance and stamina but also calms the mind and eases the pressure of the nervous system. Practicing this restorative pose daily helps one get a hold of oneself during the onset of vertigo.

2. Viparita Karani (Legs Up The Wall Pose)

Initially, sit about 3 inches from an empty wall. Lie onto the back and swing your legs upwards in such a way that the back of the thigh rests against the wall. Rest your entire back, i.e., the spinal column on the floor below and relax the arms on either side of the body or the tummy. Hold the position for 10 minutes or as long as you can and then slowly pull your leg back to the starting position.


Touted as one of the relaxing poses, Viparita Karani allows you to lie flat on the ground with your legs up without much twisting. It greatly benefits people with vertigo by calming the mind and remedy associated headaches as this posture allows lymphatic drainage, evens out blood circulation, allowing for greater relaxation and switching off pain receptors.

3. Halasana (Plow Pose):

Lying on your back, raise both legs above the stomach. Bend your body and try to extend your legs above the head to touch the ground with the toes. Hold this posture for 10-15 seconds, relax for a minute and repeat again.


This inverted posture is extremely beneficial for strengthening the neck and in doing so working on the balance system, i.e., the inner ears and the nervous system. It also confers immense therapeutic effects like relieving headache, insomnia, stress and ultimately calming the mind and overall nervous system. Performing it regularly helps one tackle the side effects of vertigo with much ease.

4. Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bent Pose):

Start the pose with your legs stretched out forward. While lifting your arms up, keep your back straight. Exhale and bend forward while keeping your arms horizontal to your legs. Try to hold your big toes with your fingers and keep this position for 30 seconds.


The seated forward bend pose is an extremely stress-relieving and immune-boosting pose. It plays a significant role in balancing emotions and relieving anger, irritability, and anxiety. It promotes the flow of blood in the head and the balance centers, thus helping with vertigo. It also remedies mental and body fatigue.

4. Shavasana (Corpse Pose):

Lie down on your back and close your eyes. Relax your body and mind. and think happy peaceful thoughts. Take your time while you do this. Breathe normally and do not hold your breath. After some time, stand up.


This yogasana not only marks the end of the yoga session but also cools the body, calms the mind and removes all strain and stress while helping one to regain focus and concentration. It is one of the best poses that help combat vertigo almost instantaneously.

(Point To Not: Try resting for the time period when the severity of the vertigo attack is at its peak and wait for symptoms to subside and only then start the practice. Ensure you consult a doctor or yoga specialist before practicing these yogic postures)