Malaria is a mosquito-borne disease caused by a parasite, a constant epidemic that continues to kill and threaten millions around the world. There are several natural remedies to treat and prevent malaria that includes grapefruit, fever nut, ginger, cinnamon, etc.

Malaria Home Remedies

Medicines are the first choice to deal with malaria, but there are several existing home remedies for solving this problem. Natural remedies consisting of herbal cures are believed to cause no side-effects and make malaria well-managed, easing the symptoms.


Ginger is the best natural remedy for treating malaria. Ginger boiled into a powerful decoction helps in boosting the immune system and speeds the recovery. The active ingredient in ginger, gingerol and hydrocarbons are known for their anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect in the body.


Cinnamon a common spice in the kitchen and works great in handling malaria symptoms like fever, headaches and diarrhoea. Cinnamaldehyde the potent organic compound loaded with cinnamon has anti-inflammatory properties and reducing painful malaria symptoms.

Fever Nut

Fever nut is known to be a powerful herb for malaria treatment. It is one of the widely-used herbs in India.  Antimalarial properties of fever nut help to manage the symptoms like moderate to severe chills, high fever, sweating, headache, vomiting and diarrhoea.


Tulsi is widely used in Ayurvedic medicine to reduce the symptoms and severity of malaria. Eugenol the active ingredient in tulsi possess therapeutic properties that help in eliminating bacterial infections. To reap the benefits of holy basil, mix it with pepper powder to prevent disease.

Grape Fruit

Quinine a natural extract of grapefruit is beneficial for malaria treatment. It helps to neutralize malaria induced parasite. Grapefruit does wonders in promoting overall health and speed up recovery.

Tips to Prevent Malaria

  •  Do not allow water to stagnate as this serves as the breeding ground for Anopheles mosquitoes.
  •  Keep your surroundings clean by keeping your home clean, dry, and hygienic.
  •  Use disinfectants for cleaning your house and toilets.
  •  Use mosquito repellents while sleeping. If you are allergic to them, you can use mosquito nets to avoid being bitten by a mosquito.
  •  Wear long-sleeved clothes and full-length pants while going out of the house.
  •  Drink clean purified water only, especially when travelling.

Take away

It is very vital to understand that herbs will not eliminate the parasite from your body. Medicines are necessary to do that. Herbs do help to ease the symptoms, giving relief from pain, fever, aches and aids the parasite killing process of the medicines.

Dietary Guidelines  

When a person is affected with malaria it decreases the blood count and dehydrates the body making them feel very exhausted and week. So it is vital to get adequate amounts of nutrients and fluids to replenish the electrolyte lost and increase the energy levels. Eating a wholesome diet loaded with healthful nutrients helps a person suffering from malaria to recuperate well and boost energy levels. Here’s the list of foods to be added and avoided while suffering from malaria.

Foods To Include:

Energy Dense Foods

With malaria a person may have a poor appetite, hence it is ideal to add instant energy boosting fluids like sugarcane juice, tender coconut water, fruit juices, electoral water and glucose to meet the increasing energy and recuperate well.


Proteins immensely help in repairing and building tissues during malaria. Some of the best sources of protein-rich foods include milk and milk products, legumes, eggs and fish.


Foods abundant in vitamin A, C are vital to strengthen the immune system and keep infections at bay. They are also potent antioxidants that fight free radical damages and improve overall health. Papaya, carrot, mango, grapes, beetroot and citrus fruits are good sources. Adding foods rich in B complex vitamins is also known to exhibits a protective effect.


It is pivotal to stay well hydrated and drink at least 3 litres of water in a day to maintain fluid balance and prevent dehydration.

Foods To Avoid:

Avoid all spicy, deep-fried, processed, preserved and junk foods.

Limit the intake of salt and sugary foods.

Avoid taking caffeinated drinks like coffee, tea, cocoa and carbonated beverages.