Dandruff is a common skin condition that causes white or grey flakes of skin to appear on the scalp and in the hair. During summers, the problem gets aggravated because the scalp gets even more oily and sweaty due to the heat.

Dandruff on a woman's dress

This skin condition caused due to dry skin can be because of sensitivity to certain products like shampoos, conditioners, hair creams, seborrheic dermatitis, eczema etc. According to research, certain food items like processed food, refined sugars, fatty and fried foods can lead to surge in various hormone levels and in turn increase the occurrence of dandruff.
However, there are several homemade remedies available right in our kitchen counter to get rid of dandruff.

Lemon and Sesame Oil:

This is quite a popular remedy, strongly prescribed by Ayurveda. Warm the required amount of sesame oil and squeeze half a lemon to it. Gently rub the mixture on to the scalp with cotton balls. Leave it for 30 minutes and shampoo. Repeat it regularly till you are dandruff-free.

Olive oil:

This oil prevents dandruff from spreading. Massage warm olive oil regularly on the scalp to prevent the growth of dandruff.


Vinegar is the best bet if you want to get rid of dandruff instantly. Mix required amount of plain vinegar to a little bit of water and apply it thoroughly on the scalp. This not only removes dandruff but also kills bad odour caused by sweat.

Sour Curd:

Sour curd is all you need not just to drive away dandruff but also to condition your hair. Apply sour curd generously on the scalp and wash it after an hour. This leaves your hair dandruff free and provides your hair with ample nourishment.

Aloe Vera:

Suffering from itchy, smelly scalp? Snap a piece of Aloe Vera plant and just rub the fresh gel on to the head. It will give instant relief from itchiness and cleans away dandruff.

Besides washing often and following home remedies, make sure to eat right for healthy hair. Summer fruits like watermelon, muskmelon and cucumbers add that extra shine to your hair.