Sunburn is a common skin problem in summer. Sunburns appear due to excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays directly from the sun.

A repeated exposure to ultraviolet rays results in high degrees of skin burn that may cause other skin issues like wrinkles, dark, rough spots and in few cases melanoma - skin cancer. Sunburn may take few weeks to fade away, but you can find instant relief from pain with these few simple home remedies.

Applying oats on the face for Sunburn and curd rice

Home Remedies For Sunburn


Oats, Baking Soda, Milk Pack:

1 cup finely ground oats

½ cup milk

½ tsp baking soda


Mix finely ground oats, milk and baking soda into a paste.

Apply it on the affected area and let it dry.

Wash it with plain water.

How It Works:

Baking soda helps in soothing skin, reduces inflammation while milk and oats clear itching sensation. All three ingredients together aid in healing. Do it daily, till sunburn fades.

Plain Curd Pack:


1 cup plain curd

2 tsp of curd


Take plain chilled curd and mix little water to it.

Apply it on the sunburns and leave it for 10 minutes.

Wash it with plain water and do it daily till the pain subsides.

How It Works:

Curd is an amazing probiotic and the enzymes present in it can heal the pain and help skin gain back its natural complexion.

Green Tea Pack:

2 tsp of green tea

1 cup of water

sunburn home remedies


Brew green tea in a cup of water.

Let it cool down and chill the mixture.

Dab the mixture on the sunburn with the help of a cotton ball.

Repeat it daily till it heals.

How It Works:

Several studies prove that antioxidants present in green tea help in soothing skin burn. Sipping on green tea daily prevents skin cancer. These antioxidants also protect skin against the inflammation caused by the UV rays of the sun.