Water is the quintessential component of life and one of the most undertow elements when it comes to health. The umpteen health benefits of water include skin hydration, flushing out of toxins, offering an instant source of energy, to mention a few.

And if you are planning to shed those extra kilos, guzzle down more water. Drinking ample amounts of water along with other lifestyle modifications like healthy eating, regular workouts, sound sleep at night greatly contributes towards losing weight.

According to several studies, drinking the right amount of water daily can boost your metabolism and aid in controlling your appetite. It also plays a vital role in flushing out toxins and clearing the fat. Even after losing weight, practice drinking a good amount of water to sustain weight loss.

Water and weight loss

How Much Water Should You Drink?

Health experts suggest drinking about eight glasses of water (about 2 liters) per day but it can differ with every individual. If you are a gym regular and sweating out during workouts, your body would require more water.

It is recommended to drink about 480 ml of water before working out and sipping on 150 to 200 ml during the exercise. One should also drink another 480 ml post workouts to replenish the lost fluids.

Other general guidelines include starting the day by drinking with about two glasses of water on an empty stomach.

Our body also gets enough water from foods through the foods we eat including coffee, tea, milk and especially fruits and veggies.

The key standard is to drink water when you are actually thirsty and sip down sufficient amounts to satisfy your thirst.

A bad headache, disturbed mood, constant hunger or difficulty in concentrating are the signs of dehydration due to lack of water intake. The best fix is, just drink water.

Dieticians recommend drinking 2 cups of water before a meal to avoid excessive eating.

How Water Plays A Crucial Role In Facilitating Weight Loss.

1. Water Can Burn More Calories

Drinking water can rapidly intensify the amount of calories you burn, most importantly the resting energy expenditure. Several shreds of evidence show that drinking 500ml of water may remarkably increase the amount of calories burned, reduce BMI waist, circumference, body fat and weight loss.

2. Water Suppresses Appetite

Water is naturally free of calories and drinking water before a meal is associated with reduced intake of food and weight loss.

Increasing your daily intake by 1 cup may lower weight gain by 0. 13kg. Swapping 1 cup water with other sugar-loaded beverages may lower weight gain by 0.5 kg says study.

Drinking about two cups of water 20-30 minutes before meals may reduce appetite in middle-aged and older individuals. It eventually decreases calorie intake leading to weight loss.

3. Cold Water Burns Calories:

According to a few medical experts, drinking cold water ups the metabolism and contributes towards weight loss. This is because the body works harder to warm up the water, thus burning more calories and excessive fat. However, if you suffer from frequent cold or lung-related issues avoid drinking cold water.

4. Water Helps You Shed Fat:

Lack of water restricts the body from properly metabolizing stored carbs and fat. The fat metabolization process is called lipolysis and if you are dehydrated, the body may not be able to burn excessive fats. Drink enough water to stimulate the process of lipolysis to lose fat.

5. Water Loaded Foods Help:

Besides drinking plain water, make sure to include water-rich foods like soups, smoothies without sugar and salt in your daily diet. Add berries, tomatoes, cucumber, watermelon, grapes, celery, melons to your diet plan as these natural wonders are low on calories, high on water and act as appetite suppressants.

Eliminates Waste

When the body is dehydrated, it cannot properly excrete wastes like urine or faeces from the system. Water supports the kidneys to efficiently filter out toxins and waste, while the system retains vital nutrients and electrolytes. Dehydration leads to the retention of fluid and makes the stools hard and constipated. It also helps in moving the waste by softening the hardened stools. Furthermore, waste builds up in the body may make you feel bloated, swollen and fatigued and adds to inches of weight in the waist. Hydration is the key to avoid retaining waste and helps in losing a few kilos.

Supports Workout

The key element of any weight loss program is exercise. Adequate hydration helps the muscles, connective tissues, and joints to move freely and correctly. While it also supports the lungs, heart, and other organs to work effectively as the incline up activity during a workout. Staying hydrated also reduces the risk of getting muscle cramps and fatigue. Hence, it is crucial to drink enough water before, during and after exercise to prevent negative impact of poor water intake and avoid dehydration. Always remember to carry a bottle of water, especially if you are working out in a hot, humid, or very sunny climate.