The best advice for anyone who wants to stay fit is to drink plenty of water. This season is the right to shed those extra kilos faster as you tend to eat less and perspire more, so consider a well-planned diet with all essential nutrients, which aids you in losing weight in a healthy way.

Flavoured Waters

A great way to stay hydrated is to try infused water. Flavoured or infused water has a winning combo of taste and low calories, making it a very effective tool to lose weight without losing nutrients.

Lemon and mint detox water


The most popular and undoubtedly the simplest detox water for weight loss is lemon and mint. Lemon is a widely used summer cooler in India. The abundance of Vitamin C in lemon enhances metabolism and promotes weight loss. A dash of mint and its aroma promotes digestion process. This drink is a winner of a detox drink that cools you down naturally, assist in weight loss and keeps you hydrated.

Expert Tips

Take a glass of water add lemon juice and stir it well. You can also add slices of lemon. To this add few mint leaves and let it stay for few hours and then the drink is yours.

Apple and Cinnamon Detox Water


Apple and cinnamon detox water is one of the best fat burners for quick and sustained weight loss. Cinnamon is a spice that naturally boosts metabolism and effective in preventing Type II diabetes. Apple is loaded up with antioxidants and phytochemicals that aids in sustained weight loss. This healthy mélange flushes all the toxins and aids in fast weight loss.

Cucumber Detox Water


Cucumber is a summer treat, a must to have food during the summer season. The abundance of Vitamin B, potassium, and magnesium hydrates and detoxifies the body. This healthy, revitalizing drink helps with weight loss has cucumbers are one of the best diuretic foods that stimulate urination, cleanses the liver, flushes out bodily toxins and water retention.

Grapefruit Detox Water


Eating and drinking grapefruit water aids in boosting your metabolism and helps in weight loss. The presence of enzyme-activated protein kinase (AMP) in grapefruit has been noted with aiding to lose weight. The enzymes help muscles use stored sugars and fat for energy.

Losing weight can be simpler when you stay to the right strategies that can be implemented into your daily regimen without hardships. Make use of these detox drinks to improve your fitness and overall health.