Most of us envision ourselves waking up just like in the Bollywood movies, with gorgeous hair brushing off the face and radiant, flawless ravishing skin that’s just ready to face the world sans any makeup? And ‘Cut’! End of the ‘Dream sequence’ and we’re back to the reality. All that we actually get, is a face soaked in grease and oil, which is nowhere close to even get clicked.

Also Read: Oily Skincare Remedies: Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Griminess

Well, if you have oily skin, you are quite acquainted with the daily battle your skin faces, especially if you are haunted by reiterating breakouts. While the natural oils might hinder parched skin and fine lines, the overactive sebaceous glands can do more harm than good. Not only does it clog the pores causing pimples, acne, blackheads, and whiteheads but also screws with the makeup application.

Always Exude A Healthy Glow With Our Wide-Range Of Skin Care Essentials!

Right from genetic issues, hormonal changes, stress, UV damage, overexposure to heat, seasonal changes, pregnancy, and unsuited skincare essentials, to the wrong skincare routine, there are a heaping number of factors that can contribute towards oily skin. Nonetheless, the good news is that there are also numerous natural ways by which you can zealously combat oily skin issues.

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Additionally, with the onset of the sweltering summer months, one needs to take extra care as required to retain the natural moisture of the skin sans the oil, grease and stickiness. Rather than visiting a parlour every now and then, why not bring out your cool DIY skills and concoct some homemade beauty necessities to meet your skin’s specific demands?

Right from genetic issues, hormonal changes, stress, UV damage, overexposure to heat, seasonal changes, pregnancy, and unsuited skincare essentials, to the wrong skincare routine, there are a heaping number of factors that can contribute towards oily skin

Without further ado, hop on to find 5 easy-peasy homemade skincare essentials that’ll tackle greasiness and bequeath you with gorgeous skin in a jiffy.

oily skin care