If you’re looking for organic ways to augment skin health and beauty, then vitamins, minerals, and herbs are famed as natural wonders that can make your skin supple, glowing, and youthful. The best source of these nutrients is food sources; however, they are also available readily as supplements and topical products that confer skin healing benefits. Further, these vitamins can be used to heal a host of skin conditions like acne, psoriasis, and premature ageing effects owing to sun damage and other environmental pollutants.

One such vitamin that holds a key role in skin care and helps in treating several skin woes is vitamin E. Read this article to know how vitamin E benefits the skin.
Vitamin E for skin health

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What Is Vitamin E?

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble nutrient bestowed with potent anti-inflammatory traits. It aids in bolstering the immune system, cell function, and skin health. It is a powerful antioxidant that combats free radicals produced by the metabolism of food and toxins in the environment. Vitamin E is valuable in reducing UV ray damage to the skin and easing the symptoms of atopic dermatitis. Furthermore, this fat-soluble vitamin is effective in widening blood vessels, lowering the risk of blood clots, and also slowing down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.

Well, constant exposure to sun and UV light diminishes vitamin E levels in the skin, as well as aging. Fret not this wonder nutrient is available in a rich array of foods, and supplements and is also used as a key element in many topical beauty products.

Types Of Vitamin E

Vitamin E comprises two groups of eight vitamins. The two types of vitamin E include:

Tocopherols are the most abundant type of vitamin E in the human body, which contains four subtypes as tocopherols -alpha, beta, delta, and gamma.

Tocotrienols are found in lesser quantities in the system. These also have subtypes such as tocotrienols - alpha, beta, delta, and gamma.

Vitamin E Sources

Food Sources:  A few vegetables like spinach, broccoli, nuts, and oily foods contain vitamin E like corn oil, sunflower oil, almonds, and hazelnuts.

Dietary Supplements: Vitamin E over-the-counter supplements are readily available as capsules. However, ask your healthcare provider about the right dosage before taking it.

Topical Vitamin E Products: Many beauty products contain vitamin E as a key ingredient used in manufacturing creams, moisturizers, and lotions.

Also Read: 5 Foods Bountiful in Vitamin E That Promote Overall Health-Infographic

Potential Skin Healing Benefits

Moisturizing Agent

Several pieces of evidence have strongly proved that vitamin E works as an effective moisturizer. Vitamin E-based creams work as an amazing moisturizer for dry, dull, and patchy skin. Also, topical vitamin E products are easier to use and boost overall skin health.

Combats UV Ray Damage

Vitamin E can fight skin damage caused due to overexposure of sun’s ultraviolet rays. It safeguards the skin from several deleterious effects by acting as a free radical scavenger. While being a potent antioxidant, vitamin E is effective at mitigating UV damage to the skin. Several topical products containing vitamin E may support nourishing and shielding the skin from damage caused by free radicals.

Also Read: Vitamin E Capsule: 5 Amazing DIY Face Mask Ideas For Overall Skin Health -Infographic

Wound Healing

Vitamin E is well-known to speed up the wound healing process and regenerate new skin cells. The deficiency of vitamin E can slow down healing, while supplementing with this vitamin or using topical creams may promote the wound healing process.

Anti-inflammatory Effects

Skin problems like dermatitis, psoriasis, and acne can cause inflammation. Vitamin E is attributed to exhibit potent anti-inflammatory qualities that help in healing several skin issues and reduce all signs of skin inflammation. Hence the topical application of vitamin E-based products is best known to reduce UV-induced swelling, skin thickness, erythema, and edema.

Vitamin E Products

Vitamin E Supplements

Well, you can easily meet the requirements of vitamin E by incorporating a whole lot of natural food sources rich in vitamin E, which can ideally help you to augment skin health. But if you are deficient in this vitamin, supplements are readily available which can help meet your needs.

Topical Vitamin E

Vitamin E is used largely in making oils and creams that can be used topically to heal a host of skin issues. Some of the beauty products that contain vitamin E include anti-aging creams, eye serums, sunscreens, and make-up essentials. Vitamin E can readily penetrate into the skin and also increase the amount of vitamin E stored in the sebaceous glands. Skin regions that are very dry, like the cuticles and elbows, may benefit from the topical application of vitamin E oil.

How To Use It

It is best to talk with your doctor before trying vitamin E for any kind of skin issue. Follow the instructions given on the package and stick to the recommended daily dose. You can try experimenting with different forms of vitamin E to check which one offers the best results. Stop using the products, if there are any side effects like an allergic reaction or skin sensitivity. Do a patch test for skin sensitivity before using the product more widely.