Coined as a symbol of love and beauty, the beautiful Roses are prized for their invigorating aroma and versatile colours. But did you know that the oil obtained from the drupes or rather the small red fruit including the seeds of this plant has extraordinary benefits for the skin as well? If not, let us introduce you to Rosehip Oil, your one-way ticket to achieving the skin and hair of your dreams!

Also Read: 5 Impressive Benefits Of Rosehip Oil For Glowing Skin

rosehip seed oil

What is Rosehip Oil?

Rosehips are the fruits plucked from the rose bush when the flower dies. There are several varieties of Rosehips obtained from various species of Rosa genera. This incredible oil is made by gradually macerating rosehip drupes and seeds in a carrier oil where all the essential bioactive components are extracted and transformed into a highly-absorbable oil that can bestow superb benefits for the skin and hair

A valuable source of essential fatty acids, linoleic acids, provitamin A, B, and C and carotenoids (indicating their orange colour), rosehip oil possess excellent healing properties. Imbued with strong anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory traits, it is a boon for all skin types. The oil not only diminishes blemishes and pigmentation but also enhances skin texture and evens out the skin tone. Additionally, it also improves hair growth, boosts blood circulation in the scalp and bestows you with long shiny hair and marvellous smooth skin.

Also Read: Discover The Astonishing Health And Beauty Benefits Of Rose Essential Oil

Multi-faceted Benefits Of Rosehip Oil

  • Hydrates and nourishes the skin
  • Offers sun protection
  • Clears blocked pores and blackheads
  • Prevents skin infections
  • Promotes cellular regeneration
  • Brightens skin tone
  • Minimizes ageing signs
  • Retains natural moisture
  • Reduces oiliness and acne
  • Heals dry skin
  • Boosts the growth of hair follicles
  • Imparts a natural sheen to the hair strands
  • Prevents sudden breakage and split ends
  • Improves strength of hair and hair growth

Owing to its numerous benefits for the skin and hair, the oil obtained from the rosehip can be easily used along with other natural ingredients to fabricate many daily beauty essentials like facial scrubs, facial masks, facial serums or hair serums and even directly added to your beauty products to get an added benefit.

Rosehips are the fruits plucked from the rose bush when the flower dies. The oil obtained from it not only diminishes blemishes and pigmentation but also enhances skin texture and evens out the skin tone

So, without further ado, we bring you three easy ways you can incorporate the goodness of Rosehip Oil into your daily beauty ritual and reap its innumerable benefits that help in achieving a glowing complexion and gorgeous mane.

Homemade Rosehip Oil Recipes For Ravishing Skin And Hair

Rosehip Oil And Yogurt Face Pack

rosehip face pack


3 tbsp dried rose petal powder 

1 tbsp yoghurt

2 tsp besan

5 drops of rosehip oil 


Make a smooth paste of all the ingredients

Apply the face pack evenly all over the face and neck avoiding the eyes 

Allow it to dry completely

Rinse your face with cool water


This rosehip oil face pack is extremely beneficial for dull, saggy skin. It not only helps in diminishing rashes, acne, and blemishes and soothes parched, damaged skin but also treats sun damage. The addition of yoghurt prevents bacterial infections on the skin whereas sandalwood powder bestows a healthy radiant glow on the skin.

Rosehip Oil And Aloe Vera Facial Serum

rosehip serum


2 tbsp aloe vera gel(freshly scraped)

10 drops of rosehip oil

2 vitamin E capsules

4-5 drops of argan oil 


Scoop out the fresh gel from an aloe leaf

Blend it for a few minutes to get a liquid juice

Strain the juice through a muslin cloth

Pour the aloe juice into a bottle and add the other essential oils to it

Massage the mixture onto your face and neck in circular strokes

Leave it on overnight 

Pour the remaining into a glass vessel and store it in the refrigerator for future use


This astounding rosehip serum is suitable for all skin types but especially works on dry, sensitive skin. The concoction of rosehip and argan oil hydrates and moisturizes dry skin, treats acne and reduces the appearance of wrinkles and blemishes. The addition of vitamin E oil and aloe vera not only diminishes oxidative damage to the skin but also arrests the ageing signs while imparting a youthful glow to the skin.

Rosehip And Coconut Hair Oil

rosehip hair oil


10 hibiscus flowers 

10 curry leaves

1 cup of coconut oil

10 drops of rosehip oil

3 tbsp amla oil

2 tbsp castor oil 


Wash the hibiscus flowers and curry leaves and then blend them to get a fine paste

Boil the coconut oil, amla oil and castor oil in a boiler and add the herbal paste to it

Heat for a couple of minutes while stirring the entire thing

Turn off the gas and cover the pan with a lid to allow the oil to cool down naturally

After cooling, strain the oil to remove the plant parts 

Add rosehip seed oil to it and mix it properly

Take the required quantity of oil for instant use and store the remaining in a jar or bottle for future use

Warm the oil and massage it properly into your scalp 

Apply it all over the hair strands as well

Wrap a towel soaked in warm water over your hair and wait for 30 minutes

You can keep the oil overnight or wash it off immediately using a mild shampoo 


This hair oil offers a magical solution for all your hair woes. The dynamic duo of hibiscus and curry leaf not only revitalizes the scalp but also enhances hair growth and prevents thinning and loss of hair. The addition of coconut oil and castor oil promotes blood circulation in the scalp and offers the hair a boost of nourishment to increase thickness. Rosehip oil restores the lost glory of your hair by making it healthier, shinier, and stronger.