We are living in a world where everyone is running after perfection for that camera-ready glow! And to achieve this, they are ready to go to any extent or try out every other new skincare trend or cosmetic product but sometimes to no avail. In the race to present oneself having a blemish-free glassy skin, sometimes we often tend to forget that the problem might be much internal, hidden within our body.

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Our skin is a mere reflection of our inner health. It is what we actually consume that eventually translates glow! And hence, to ensure, we are in the pink of our health, one must eat right and opt for a well-balanced nutritious diet. And to achieve this, apart from religiously following the routine skincare regimen, it is also necessary to cleanse the system and get rid of toxins as these are often the primary triggers for skin issues like acne, pimples, cysts, pigmentation, fine lines, saggy skin and a bloated appearance.

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And what better way to do so, than by simply having a glass of a detox drink as soon as you wake up in the morning? Besides flushing out toxins from the body, these detox beverages replete with vitamins, micronutrients, enzymes, and antioxidants also boost energy levels, induce weight loss, and prevent oxidative damage.  Additionally, regular intake of these detox drinks also stimulates collagen synthesis that primarily helps in fading out blemishes and even arresting the age clock while making your skin look soft, supple, rejuvenated, and glowing.

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Besides flushing out toxins from the body, these detox beverages replete with vitamins, micronutrients, enzymes, and antioxidants also boost energy levels, induce weight loss, and prevent oxidative damage.

Well, worry not if you are confused about what to drink, scroll through this infographic to find a list of miraculous detox beverages to bestow you with blemish-free skin naturally from the inside.

skincare routine