Gokshura churna is a traditional herbal formulation that aims at both revitalising and rejuvenating the body. The host of anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties of this formulation makes it extremely beneficial for improving kidney functions and treating a number of genitourinary problems like urinary tract infection, urinary distension, urinary calculi, dysuria, difficulty in micturition, treating osteoarthritis, gout and relieving from sexual problems.

The classical medicine uses the powdered form of each of the seven herbs mainly gokshura, haritaki, punarnava, deodara, lashuna, and adrak that are mixed in equal parts, each of which works together in promoting sexual and reproductive health, improving sexual desire and performance, treating erectile dysfunction and increasing libido and stamina and working as a nonhormonal bio-stimulator which upsurges the level of the male hormone testosterone.


Ayurvedic scriptures of Charaka Samhita and Sarangadhar Samhita strongly backs the use of this potent formulation for the mitigation of Prameha (i.e. urinary tract disorder). It is also extremely useful for Ashmari (i.e. urinary calculi), Vibandha (i.e. constipation), Shoola (i.e. abdominal colic), Mutrakrichra (i.e. dysuria), Anaha (i.e. bloating), Mutraghata (i.e. urinary obstruction), Deepana (enhances stomach fire), Pachana (helps in digestion), Gulma (i.e. abdominal tumours), Udara (i.e. ascites), Antravruddhi (i.e. Hernia), Arsha (i.e. haemorrhoids) and several other ailments.

gokshura churna

Preparation of Gokshura Churna


1 part of each of the 7 herbs:      

Gokshura (or Vajravalli) - Tribulus terrestris  

Haritaki - Terminalia chebula

Punarnava - Boerhavia diffusa               

Devdaru - Cedrus deodara  

Adrak (or wet ginger) - Zingiber officinalis     

Shunthi (or dry ginger) - Zingiber officinalis  

Lashuna or garlic - Alium sativa   


Wash the herbs and sun-dry properly.

Ground the herbs separately into a powder.

The powdered herbs are to be subjected to direct sunlight for 3-4 days until there is no moisture left.

Mix each of the 7 herbal powders in equal quantities.

Pass the mixture through sieve no 100 to get a fine powder and remove impurities and hard particles.

Lastly, it is stored in airtight containers for future use.

Therapeutic Benefits of the Ingredients

gokshura health advantages


Gokshura, clad by the various vernacular names Goksuraka, Trikanata, Gokhru, Gokhuri, Gokshra, Devil’s thorn, Small Caltrop, Goat head, Puncture vine, Sharatte, Nerinjil, Betagokharu, Palleruveru, Bhakhra, Neggilu, Gokharu, Gokhri, Michirkand is a crucial ingredient that is useful for treating urinary disorders, PCOS, prostate gland problems, kidney problems and heart ailments. It also helps in building muscle mass, improving brain activity and boosting the libido in both men and women. It has earned the name trikanta or puncture vine since the fruit has sharp thorns along its surface which is hard enough to even puncture a cycle tyre.

Gokshura obtained from the dried fruits of the Gokshura tree which goes by the botanical name Tribulus terrestris, is a perennial plant that thrives in both cool and hot temperatures and is native to Africa, Australia, Southern Asia, and Southern Europe. The host of active constituents, alkaloids, and phytosterols make this herb a powerful diuretic and aphrodisiac remedy. Apart from urinary problems, Gokshura is beneficial for a myriad of problems including low water retention capacity, hair fall, rheumatic pain, neural problems, headache, stress, obesity, menstruation, piles, bed wetting, and eye problems.


Owing to its laxative, astringent, purgative, anti-bilious and anti-oxidant properties, this extremely beneficial herb, is used for managing diabetes, promoting digestion, relieving constipation and enhancing healing abilities of the body. It is also used for curing sore throat and treating lung infections like cystic fibrosis. Also Read: Haritaki: Benefits, Uses, Dosage, Formulations, and Side Effects


Much like its name, punarnava is a traditional ayurvedic plant that is used to rejuvenate the whole body. Imbued with the therapeutic components, punarnava plays a key role in managing heart problems, improving eyesight, aiding in digestion, and preventing diseases like diabetes, arthritis, impotence, urinary tract infection, gout, and anaemia.


The powdered bark of the deodar plant holds high significance in treating fever, headache, arthritis, asthma, and also helps in repairing and healing wounds. The potent digestive properties are used for treating constipation, bloating, flatulence and it also helps in curbing hunger pangs and reducing weight.

Shunthi/ Adrak 

Ginger in both raw and dried form is an extremely beneficial herb and is used to relieve patients suffering from dyspepsia, flatulence, vomiting, constipation, indigestion, spasms, colic and other stomach problems. It is also widely used for treating asthma, cough and cold symptoms. Also Read: Ginger The Healthiest Spice


The active component allicin present in garlic shows strong anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties which plays a key role in treating insect bites, snakebite, wounds, tumours, ulcers, headaches, heart diseases, cancer, cough and cold symptoms, pimples, measles, etc.

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gokshura benefits

Benefits and Therapeutic Uses:

Relieves Urinary Disorders

The formulation is a potent remedy for treating urinary disorders like urinary incontinence, painful urination, and burning sensation while urinating. When the medicine is taken by infusing it with cow’s milk, it not only reduces the pain and burning micturition but also stimulates proper urination. Being a mild diuretic, it also treats dysuria. The host of anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties prevents urinary infections. 

Improves Kidney Functions:

The traditional formulation promotes healthy functioning of the kidney by aiding in the excretion of excess uric acid and maintaining the uric acid level in the kidneys, thereby preventing or treating gout. The anti-lithiasis property of Gokshura churna prevents the formation of kidney stones, helps to break or reduce the size of the formed ones and thus prevents various underlying health conditions like polycystic kidney disease, kidney stones, and cystitis. It is helpful in managing diabetes and hence combats underlying symptoms like frequent urination.

Boosts Sexual Health And Stamina:

Gokshura churna is typically effective for improving men’s health. The churna has powerful spermatogenic properties that are extremely beneficial for treating hypospermia (low volume of semen), asthenozoospermia (i.e. sperm motility), oligospermia (i.e. low sperm count), teratospermia (i.e. abnormal sperm shape) and enhances spermatogenesis (i.e. sperm production). Being a natural antioxidant, it improves the production of testosterone and luteinizing hormone. It also treats conditions like erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

Treats PCOS:

PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is very common nowadays. It mostly occurs due to hormonal imbalances, causing irregular periods, hair loss, weight gain, acne, mood swings, etc.  It can also create lot of complications in conceiving. Being an active diuretic, regular intake of the potent churna eliminates excess water from the cyst thereby decreasing its size. It is also beneficial in maintaining the hormonal levels within the blood, boosting the female reproductive organs and enhancing maturation of the eggs into follicles. Also Read: PCOS And Weight Gain: Foods To Shed Those Extra Kilograms

Boosts Libido:

The aphrodisiac nature of the formulation helps in reducing mental stress and anxiety and stimulates the hormones for increasing libido. It improves male and female fertility and increases virility and stamina in men.

Promotes Cardiac Functioning:

The formulation is extremely effective in treating various heart ailments due to its strong antioxidative nature.  It reinforces the heart muscles and prevents the formation of lipids and other debris in the blood vessels, thus preventing atherosclerosis. The bioactive constituents present in gokshura reduce the levels of non-esterified fatty acids i.e. NEFA, and hence diminishes the risk of heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, etc. It also plays a key role in maintaining cholesterol levels in the blood.

Aids In Digestion:

The digestive properties found in this formulation is found to be extremely beneficial in improving digestion. It stimulates the secretion of digestive juices thereby increasing the absorption of essential nutrients and enhancing digestion. It also prevents fluid retention and treats symptoms of abdominal pain, abdominal distension, ulcerative colitis, and irritable bowel syndrome. Also Read: Digestive Disorders: 7 Ways To Improve Gut Health

Dismisses Pain:

Owing to the anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of Gokshura, this powdered formulation plays a key role in relieving pain and inflammation and hence the churna can be widely used for alleviating pain in case of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Augments Skin Health:

Gokshura being a natural antioxidant and cleanser, is extremely beneficial for treating oxidative free radical damage due to the sun rays.  Hence, this formulation when consumed regularly can work really well in treating the various signs of aging like wrinkles, fine lines, dark circles, spots, etc. It also reduces acne, pimples, treats wounds, hives, itchiness, skin infections and bestows a smooth, glowing revitalized skin.

Make a paste of 2tbsp of gokshura powder, 1 tbsp honey, and 2-3 tbsp rose water. Apply this all over your face. Wait for 15 minutes and wash off with cool water. Use this face pack twice a week to reduce wrinkles, fine lines, dullness and get smooth rejuvenated skin.

Promotes Brain Functioning:

Gokshura churna is an ancient and traditional remedy to increase the functioning of the brain. The potent antioxidants present in gokshura improves the memory capacity, focus, concentration, calmness, alertness of an individual. The goodness of all the 6 herbs in this formulation has shown to regulate the serotonin hormone levels in the brain which mainly impacts the emotional and mental state. Taking the powder regularly has shown to improve memory, reasoning, problem-solving, and other cognitive abilities and extremely beneficial in treating psychotic conditions like Alzheimer’s disease.

gokshura dosage

Effect On The Doshas:

The host of natural ingredients in this magical formulation increases its therapeutic value as it effectively balances the tridoshas. It alleviates the Vata (air) and Kapha (earth and water) doshas and balances the Pitta (digestion) doshas. Also Read: Introduction To Ayurveda: Learn About Vata, Pitta And Kapha Doshas


1-2 grams, mainly with honey or warm water before or after meals or as directed by your ayurvedic doctor.

How To Take Gokshura Churna:

The herbal formulation mainly aims towards treating urinary and kidney disorders. The powder can be taken in either way for the following indications:

For Treatment Of Kidney Stones:

Mix 1 tbsp of Gokshura churna with 1 tbsp of honey and infuse it in a cup of warm milk. Take this concoction once a day for a week or as directed by your doctor to get rid of kidney stones and prevent them from further happening.

For Burning Sensation During Urination:

Boil a portion of gokshura powder along with raw purified potassium carbonate or dashamoolarishtam. Mix this tonic with water or take it raw by adding some honey or as directed by your doctor. Take it regularly early in the morning to alleviate various urinary anomalies.

gokshura side effects

Various Ways To Take Or Use Gokshura

Dosage of this churna may vary from person to person depending upon the type and severity of the ailment and the type of doshic body the person is having. It is strongly suggested to consult an Ayurvedic doctor or practitioner before consuming it.

Gokshura Tablet/ Capsule:


1-2 tablets a day

The tablets or capsule can be swallowed with milk or water preferably after meals or as suggested by the doctor.

Gokshura Kwath:


4-6 teaspoon of Gokshura Kwath.

It can be taken by mixing with milk or water after meals or as suggested by the doctor.

Gokshuradi Guggulu:


500mg – 1 gm

Take it raw or with water, usually after meals or as directed by your doctor.

Adverse Effects:

The formulation is possibly safe to use when prescribed by your doctor. But sometimes excessive consumption without prior consultation may lead to diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, cramping, constipation, difficulty in sleeping, or heavy menstrual bleeding.

It is strictly forbidden from being used during pregnancy or breast-feeding as it can cause abnormalities or birth defects in the growing foetus or the medicine can get passed through breast milk to the new born and cause severe health problems. Even people diagnosed with diabetes or hypertension are forbidden to use this churna without consulting the doctor.


This traditional herbal remedy blessed with countless health benefits holds high significance in treating urinary and kidney problems, improving male and female reproductive functioning, boosting stamina, improving cognitive abilities and promoting heart and skin health. The extensive health benefits of the various herbs used in this formulation also increases its therapeutic efficacy in treating infertility issues. If taken in the proper dosage, one can steer clear of the side effects and enjoy the countless health benefits.