Abhayarishtam or Abhayarishta is a potent ayurvedic concoction used for treating a myriad of ailments including piles, constipation, dysuria, flatulence, anuria, gas and abdominal distension. Known in Ayurveda, as the “king of medicine”, Abhayarishtam is the fermented liquid herbal formulation of the herb Abhaya, which is also known as Haritaki.

The scriptures of Ashtanga Hridaya and Bhaisajya Ratnavali signifies this arishtam as a magical potion formulated earlier by ancient rishis. It holds high significance for its use in the treatment of Arsha (Haemorrhoids), Udara Roga (abdomen distension, ascites), Vibandha (constipation), Mutrabandha (difficulty in urination), Mutrakrichha (painful urination).

Preparation Of Abhayarishtam



Kwath dravya (Decoction herbs): -

4.8 kg Haritaki - Terminalia chebula (fruit rind)

49 litres of Water                 

2.4 kg Mridvika - Vitis vinifera (grapes)

480 grams Vidanga - Embelia ribes

480 grams Madhuka pushpa - Madhuca indica

Sandhana dravya (Fermentative agents): -

4.8 kg Gur - Jaggery

Prakshepaka dravyas (Aromatic herbs): -

96 grams Chavya (Gaja pippali) - Piper retrofractum (long pepper)

96 grams Trivrit - Operculina turpethum

96 grams Danti - Baliospermum montanum 

96 grams Dhataki - Woodfordia fruticosa      

96 grams Gokshura - Tribulus terrestris

96 grams Indravaruni - Citrullus colocynthis (bitter apple)

96 grams Mocharasa - Salmalia malabarica

96 grams Dhanyaka (dhania) - Coriandrum sativum (coriander)

96 grams Saunf - Foeniculum vulgare

96 grams Sonth – Zingiber officinale (ginger)

Method of preparation

Raw materials of the decoction are washed and sun-dried.

The decoction herbs are then powdered and sieved to remove impurities and solid particles.

Separately, the aromatic herbs are cleaned, dried, powdered and sieved and kept aside.

The decoction herbs are then immersed in a specific quantity of water and allowed to soak overnight.

In the morning, the decoction is then boiled and reduced to ¼ quantity and passed through a muslin cloth to eliminate impurities.

Add jaggery to the clear decoction, stir it properly and filter to remove solid particles.

Now, pour the decoction in a wide-mouthed vessel, add the powdered aromatic herbs to the filtrate and seal the opening of the container.

Keep it aside in the fermentation room and allow it to ferment.

Keep a check on the fermentation process.

Once the fermentation is done, filter the fermented liquid through a muslin cloth to eliminate solid particles and impurities.

The concoction is then poured in air-tight containers, stored in a cool, dry place and kept for maturation.

Therapeutic Benefits of the Ingredients:



An extremely beneficial herb, haritaki is used for managing diabetes, promoting digestion, relieving constipation and enhancing healing abilities of the body. It is also used for curing sore throat and treating lung infections like cystic fibrosis.


Being a good source of fiber, vitamins and minerals, grapes are useful for the treatment of heart ailments, helps in managing asthma in both summer and winter, eye problems and cancer.


The antidiabetic, diuretic, antiparasitic, antimicrobial, wound healing, anticancerous, hypoglycaemic, antioxidant properties of this powerful herb is used for the treatment of diabetes, leprosy, asthma, tuberculosis, piles, insect bites, etc.

Madhuka Pushpa:

The herbal plant is extremely beneficial and used for the treatment of diabetes, piles, rheumatism, bronchitis, tonsillitis, eczema and various types of skin conditions.


Adding the goodness of jaggery to this formulation not only gives a sweet taste to the syrup but also helps the formulation undergo the fermentation process.


Chavya or long pepper holds high significance in treating cough, asthma, abdominal pain, bloating and abdominal distension. It also relieves from constipation, improves digestion and cures worm infestation.


The purgative action of this herb relieves from constipation, bloating and abdominal problems. It also treats worm infestation heals wounds and promotes weight loss.


The analgesic and antipyretic properties of Danti relieves pain and reduces fever. The stimulant property helps in relieving constipation and abdominal distension. Being a natural blood purifier, it is used to treat oedema. It also effectively treats disorders like paralysis, sciatica and gout.


The medicinal herb has potent therapeutic benefits. The immune-modulatory action helps it to boost the immune system and promote overall health. It is used for healing skin infections and wounds. It plays a key role in treating piles, diarrhoea, dysentery, leucorrhoea. Rheumatism, headache and diabetes.


Gokshura is extremely useful in reducing triglyceride and high blood cholesterol levels and treats hypertension. The aphrodisiac property of the herb increases the testosterone levels in the blood and enhances male stamina.


Loaded with essential oils and effective biochemical components, the magic fruit exhibits purgative, anthelmintic, carminative and antipyretic properties. It plays a pivotal role in treating asthma, bronchitis, tumours, constipation, joint pain, urinary diseases, jaundice, inflammation of the breast, abdominal enlargements, ascites and also cures pimples and skin infections effectively.


Mocharasa is the gum exudate extracted from the shalmoli tree. Being a natural blood purifier, it purifies the blood, checks excessive bleeding, improves the quality and quantity of the blood circulated throughout the body and treats various bleeding disorders like amenorrhea, menorrhagia, haemoptysis and bloody dysentery. It is also used for wound healing and treating skin infections.


Dhanyaka or dhania is a potent digestive and used for treating gastrointestinal disorders like indigestion, nausea, diarrhoea, bowel spasm and intestinal gas. It also widely used for treating haemorrhoids, hernia, joint pain, measles, toothaches and different types of skin infections.


Saunf or fennel is widely known for its antispasmodic, anti-flatulent, carminative and stomachic properties. It is used to treat a host of ailments including digestive disorders, cardiac ailments, lung problems, gum disease, gingivitis and urinary disorders. It is also extremely beneficial for promoting reproductive health of both men and women.


Sonth or dried ginger is a potent ayurvedic remedy for promoting digestion, relieving constipation, abdominal gas and distension. It is also widely used for treating asthma, cough and cold symptoms.

Benefits and Therapeutic Uses:

Abhayarishtam uses

Cures Piles:

Being a powerful laxative, the magic potion is extensively used for preventing and treating piles or haemorrhoids. It softens the stool and facilitates easy passage of the stool from the intestines. It reduces the strain on the lower portion of the intestines and thereby preventing anal fissure, bleeding or protrusion of a mass from the anus. It also improves the strength of the intestines and helps in cleansing the colon.

Relieves Constipation:

Ayurveda strongly suggests the use of this concoction in the treatment of constipation. It increases secretion of bile by the liver, in turn, acts on the peristalsis movement of the intestines and liver, thereby allowing smooth faecal passage from the large intestine. It also plays a pivotal role in minimalizing mucous and excess fat content in the stools and preventing them from sticking to the intestinal walls and thereby allowing easy movement.

Treats Ascites:

A potent hepatoprotective agent, the herbal syrup is extremely beneficial for treating the underlying factors that lead to ascites. It protects the liver from the damage caused by overconsumption of alcohol, prevents congestion of the blood vessels in the abdomen, and restricts the formation of fatty liver, thereby reducing the risks of liver cirrhosis which in turn lead to ascites. The anti-microbial and anti-oxidant property of the formulation also helps in treating abdominal hepatitis, alcoholic liver disease and damage of liver due to the accumulation of toxins.

Promotes Digestion:

Abhayarishtam is a powerful digestive stimulant. The carminative nature of the syrup helps in the breaking down of food particles in the stomach and intestine, promotes the secretion of the digestive juices and thereby increases the absorption of essential nutrients through the intestines and improve gut digestion. It helps to eliminate abdominal gas and in turn reduces abdominal distension, bloating and gaseous cramps. It holds high significance in treating a wide range of gastrointestinal disorders like esophagitis, heartburn, diarrhea, flatulence, peptic ulcer and gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Prevents Urinary Disorders:

The herbal remedy plays a key role in preventing and treating urinary distension, urinary incontinence, renal stones and painful urination. The potent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of the syrup prevent bacterial infections in the urinary tract and thereby reducing inflammation and pain while urinating.

Effect On Doshas:

The herbal ingredients in this powerful remedy balance the tridoshas i.e. Vata, Pitta and Kapha and effectively removes the AMA doshas (i.e. harmful toxins).

Therapeutic Dosage:

The effective therapeutic dosage may vary from person to person depending upon the age, severity and condition of the patient. Consultation from an ayurvedic doctor is must, as he or she will thoroughly examine the indications and prescribe the correct dosage for a specific time period.

The minimum effective dosage may vary between 12-24 ml once or twice a day, preferably after having a meal. It can be diluted with an equal quantity of water or as suggested by your doctor.

Adverse Effects Of Abhayarishtam:

The herbal concoction is an absolute remedy for a host of ailments. Although in lower doses, it is safe for kids above 3 years of age, overconsumption or consumption without consultation with a doctor might cause some allergic reactions or side effects like diarrhoea, stomach pain, severe bloating, drowsiness, headache and dizziness.

It is strictly forbidden for pregnant women as the presence of the herb colocynth or indravaruni can cause contractions in the uterus and even lead to abortion. Lactating mothers should also consult to the doctor as the medicine might get secreted through breast milk.

People consuming diabetes supplements should ask their doctor before taking this syrup as overconsumption can cause a serious fall in the blood glucose levels.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do I Need To Follow Any Special Diet While Taking Abhayarishta?

Well, there are no specific diets or instructions to be followed while having this formulation, unless advised by your ayurvedic practitioner. However, when taking any ayurvedic medicines, it is advised to lessen the intake of spicy food, junk food and aerated beverages.

2. Can Abhayarishta Be Taken With Multivitamins?

It is best to consult your healthcare provider before taking abhayarishta with multivitamins to avoid any side effects.

3. Is Abhayarishta A Laxative?

Abhayarishta contains certain bioactive compounds which are attributed to have laxative traits beneficial in offering relief from constipation and other gastrointestinal disorders. Harad, a key ingredient in Abhayarishta works as a potent Rechana (laxative) which helps to regularise bowel functions.

4. Can I Take Abhayarishta Daily?

No, Abhayarishta should only be taken in the recommended dose and duration as advised by an ayurvedic doctor. Avoid self-medication.

5. Is It Safe For Children?

Yes, Abhayarishta is safe for children if given in the prescribed dosage as advised by an ayurvedic doctor.

6. Does It Contain Sugar?

Yes, abhayarishta contains sugar, hence should be taken under proper medical advice only, particularly in the case of diabetic patients.

7. What Is The Best Time To Take Abhayarista?

It is best to have this formulation after meals to experience its incredible health effects in the form of treating digestive woes. It should be diluted with an equal quantity of water before administration.


Referred to as the “King Of Medicine”, Abhayarishtam is a powerful herbal concoction which is extremely beneficial for the treatment of a myriad of diseases. The goodness of haritaki, vidanga, madhuka, gur, chavya, saunf, ginger and many more herbs make this fermented decoction a potent remedy for various ailments including piles, constipation, dysuria, anuria, indigestion, flatulence, gas, ascites, constipation, haemorrhoid and abdominal distension. The minute adverse effects of the formulation can easily be avoided by consulting with an ayurvedic doctor for the necessary dosage and treatment.