The transition of seasons from the hot and cold makes everyone susceptible to infections because the body changes as per the climate. According to the theory of immunity in Ayurveda, this seasonal change is called the beej-bhumi theory which means “seed and land”. This theory explains that if the body is piled up with Ama (toxins) and lacks Ojas (vigour) then the body serves as a fertile place for infections to spread, similar to the that is fertile to sprout seeds.

As per Ayurveda, strong immunity is a result of better digestion, metabolism (agni), healthy liver functioning and a balance hormonal function. Immunity is related to Ojas which means vigour in Sanskrit.

There are a whole lot of holistic ayurvedic formulations available that can cleanse the Ama, provide nourishment, lubricate and reinstate the balance. This process bolsters immunity and shields the body against infections.

Ayurvedic formulations are available in capsules, tablets, tonic and supplements possesses immune-boosting properties which can be taken to promote overall health and well-being.

Here we bring you a list of top 8 Ayurvedic immune boosters that work remarkably well in triggering the immune system.

1. Himalaya Chyavanaprasha 1 kg

Himalaya Chyavanaprasha

This chyawanprash formulation is a blend of five tastes comprising sweet, sour, bitter, pungent and astringent. The main ingredients are different types of herbs, amla, sesame oil, ghee and honey. Chyavanaprasha is an excellent ayurvedic supplement suited for all seasons as the key ingredients can reverse the unpleasant effects of extreme climatic conditions. Amalaki one of the potent ingredients in chyavanaprasha is a storehouse of vitamin C and antioxidants which triggers immunity, avert the reoccurrence of infections, boost stamina and enhances overall health.

2. Dabur Ratnaprash 450 gm

Dabur Ratnaprash

This amazing herbal supplement comprises potent ingredients moti, kesar, musali, kaunch, abhrak and bhasma, etc. Ratnaprash is a nutritious ayurvedic tonic which boosts the immune system, combats infections and improves energy, vigour and stamina. It also possesses strong antioxidant, anti-stress, adaptogenic and immunomodulatory properties. Furthermore, it also delivers relief from stress, fatigue and zeal the power of youth.

3. Sri Sri Tattva Amla 500 mg Tablet 60's

SriSri Tattva Amla

Overpowered with amla, this formulation holds powerful antioxidant properties that shield the body against infections and boost up the immune system. It also purifies the blood, flushes out the toxins and other waste from the system. Furthermore, the goodness of amla capsules revitalize the skin, treats acne, reduces hair fall and premature greying, bolsters the immune system and keep diseases at bay.

4. Inlife Ashwagandha Capsules 60's

Inlife Ashwagandha

This miracle herbal formulation also known as Indian Ginseng rejuvenates the body. It is prized as an amazing herbal formulation which confers vitality and stamina. It increases the production of white blood cells which facilitates to battle against any sort of infection caused by a virus and other diseases. Evidence states that consuming ashwagandha with milk improves the potential as this can boost the levels of lymphocytes in the body.

5. Patanjali Giloy Sat Powder 5 gm

Giloy Sat powder

Giloy Sat also known as Amirta Sat, it is an extract of giloya herb plant Guduchi that offers a holistic healing experience This effective traditional medicine treats chronic fever purifies the blood, convalescence from fevers, jaundice, treats digestive issues and other infections. The potent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of giloy cures infections, gut disorder and boosts the immune system. In addition, it helps to deal with pitta disease, and it is one of the few tridoshic immune-boosting herbs.

6. Planet Ayurveda Immune Booster Capsules 60’s

Planet Ayurveda Immune Booster

This immune booster is an impressive herbal solution which builds the immune system and treats several other ailments. It is usually given to children who get frequent episodes of sinus, throat infections, cold and cough. It works amazingly in preventing respiratory tract infections, flushes out the toxins, cleanses the body and builds long-lasting immunity in children, adults and elderly.

7. Himalaya Wellness Brahmi Tablet 60's

Himalaya Wellness Brahmi

This formulation is widely praised as a powerful mental tonic, Brahmi is revered for its mind-enhancing properties. It supports the functioning of brain chemicals which are involved in concentrating, learning, mental stability, and memory. Relaxes the mind and potent antioxidant scavenges the reactive brain species and delays unnatural age-related brain degeneration.

8. Organic India Amalaki Capsules 60’s

Organic India Amalaki

This amazing formulation is loaded with a rich bioavailable source of natural vitamin C. Amalaki is a potent antioxidant that promotes to detoxify and restore the digestive system, scavenge free radicals and triggers the immune response. Furthermore, it supports good vision and it is a natural coolant.