Ayurveda, a comprehensive system of natural healing originating from ancient India, encompasses a spectrum of therapeutic practices aimed at harmonizing the body, mind, and spirit. Among its diverse treatments, Gandusha therapy stands out as a profound oral detoxification and healing practice, nurturing not just oral health but overall well-being.

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Gandusha Therapy

What Is Gandusha Therapy?

Gandusha therapy is a traditional Ayurvedic practice involving the holding or swishing of medicated oils or liquids within the mouth for a specific period. It's a form of oral cleansing and healing aimed at maintaining oral hygiene, preventing dental issues, and potentially benefiting overall health.

This therapy is performed by filling the mouth with a prescribed amount of herbal oils, decoctions, or other medicated liquids and holding it for a specified duration. It's designed to draw out impurities, promote oral health, and potentially alleviate various dental problems such as gum diseases, plaque buildup, and bad breath. Gandusha is believed to have therapeutic effects on the mind and body beyond its oral benefits, contributing to overall well-being according to Ayurvedic principles.

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Types Of Gandusha Therapy

Gandusha therapy encompasses various types based on the specific ingredients used in the medicated liquids and their intended therapeutic purposes. The choice of medicated liquids can vary based on the individual's constitution or specific health concerns. Commonly used liquids include herbal oils, herbal decoctions, or a mixture of oil and decoction.

Some of the different types of Gandusha therapies include:

Kavala Gandusha: In this method, the mouth is filled with the medicated liquid and held for a shorter duration compared to the other type, typically around 1-5 minutes. The liquid is then spit out.

Gandusha: This involves filling the mouth completely with the medicated liquid and holding it for a longer duration, usually around 5-20 minutes, before expelling it.

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Here are seven Ayurvedic formulations that are commonly used for Gandusha therapy, each offering unique benefits.

Ayurvedic Supplements Used For Gandusha Therapy

Sesame Oil (Tila Taila) Gandusha:

Sesame oil, known as Tila Taila in Ayurveda, is a classic choice for Gandusha therapy. It is believed to enhance oral health, strengthen teeth and gums, and prevent dental issues. Sesame oil possesses natural antibacterial properties, making it effective in promoting oral hygiene.

Coconut Oil (Narikela Taila) Gandusha:

Coconut oil, or Narikela Taila, is another popular option for Gandusha. It is prized for its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, contributing to improved oral health. Coconut oil pulling is thought to reduce harmful bacteria in the mouth and support overall dental wellness.

Ghee (Ghrita) Gandusha:

Clarified butter, known as Ghrita in Ayurveda, is used for Gandusha therapy to nourish the oral tissues and promote oral hygiene. Ghee is believed to have soothing and healing effects on the gums and is particularly beneficial for individuals with sensitive oral tissues.

Triphala Decoction Gandusha:

Triphala, a combination of three fruits (Amalaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki), is often used in decoction form for Gandusha. Triphala is known for its antimicrobial and astringent properties, supporting gum health, reducing inflammation, and promoting overall oral well-being.

Neem Oil (Nimba Taila) Gandusha:

Neem oil, or Nimba Taila, is valued for its potent antibacterial and antifungal properties. Gandusha with neem oil is believed to combat oral infections, reduce plaque formation, and contribute to a healthier oral environment.

Turmeric Decoction Gandusha:

Turmeric (Haridra) is celebrated in Ayurveda for its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Using a decoction of turmeric for Gandusha is believed to alleviate inflammation, promote healing, and contribute to oral health.

Bilva Fruit Decoction Gandusha:

Bilva (Aegle marmelos) is known for its astringent and antimicrobial properties. Gandusha with Bilva fruit decoction may help strengthen gums, reduce inflammation, and support overall oral hygiene.

Procedure To Perform Gandusha Therapy

Step 1: Gandusha starts with selecting suitable medicated oils or liquids based on an individual's Ayurvedic constitution or specific health concerns.

Step 2: A measured quantity of the chosen liquid is gently swished and held in the mouth without gargling or swallowing. The practitioner ensures the liquid reaches every nook and corner of the oral cavity.

Step 3: The duration of holding the liquid varies depending on the specific needs of the individual and the type of liquid used. It typically ranges from a few minutes to about 20 minutes.

Step 4: After the prescribed time, the liquid is expelled. It is important not to swallow the liquid, as it might contain toxins and impurities drawn out from the oral cavity.
Tulsi Neem Amla

The Healing Benefits Of Gandusha Therapy

Uplifts Oral Hygiene:

It helps maintain oral hygiene by reducing plaque, preventing gum diseases like gingivitis, and promoting healthier gums and teeth.

Cleanses Oral Cavity:

Gandusha aids in drawing out toxins and impurities from the oral cavity, contributing to overall detoxification of the body.

Prevents Dental Issues:

Regular practice may help prevent dental caries, bad breath, and oral infections, fostering a healthier oral environment.

Treats Halitosis:

It combats bad breath by cleansing the mouth and reducing the bacteria responsible for unpleasant odors.

Relieves Stress:

Beyond oral health, Gandusha may have calming effects on the mind due to its impact on cranial nerves, potentially reducing stress and anxiety.

Who Can Benefit From Gandusha Therapy?

  • Individuals suffering from dental issues like gingivitis, tooth decay, or bad breath can find relief through regular Gandusha therapy.
  • Those looking to enhance their overall health, as Ayurveda believes that oral health is closely linked to systemic health.

Precautions While Practicing Gandusha Therapy:

  • It's crucial to consult an Ayurvedic practitioner to determine the appropriate liquid and duration for Gandusha based on individual health conditions.
  • Individuals with certain oral conditions or allergies should seek advice before starting this therapy.


Gandusha therapy, an integral part of Ayurvedic practices, goes beyond oral hygiene, offering a holistic approach to health. Embracing this ancient practice not only promotes a healthier mouth but potentially contributes to overall well-being. 


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