Have you noticed the light brown spots scattered all across your face that literally makes you use the concealer every time you step out? And if you are a selfie queen, every time you click a picture without make-up, you really have to hide your face behind layers of filters to get a spotless skin. Well, we get you ladies, the embarrassment you face due to these spots is no joke. But if you are wondering what these spots are, they are nothing but Freckles!

Girl with freckles

What Are Freckles?

Freckles are tiny brown or deep brown circular spots that occur mostly on the nose, cheeks, forehead, arms and legs; the parts which get the maximum sun exposure. This dermatological condition is not uncommon and chiefly peaks around the summer months. They are usually made up of a mass of skin cells which hold the melanin pigment. Although freckles are certainly not life threatening, but it can be extremely annoying to get rid of and can interfere with your self-confidence.

Also Read: 3 DIY Face Masks To Naturally Soothe That Wrinkled, Crepey Skin

What Cause Freckles?

When the skin is exposed to sunlight or UV radiation from tanning beds, the skin cells that contain melanin get triggered which leads to over secretion of melanin in certain spots, causing freckles. Apart from UV exposure, freckles can also happen due to genetic predisposition and hormonal imbalance. Even though anyone can have them, they are mostly seen in people with fair skin, blonde or red hair, and light-colored eyes.

Also Checkout: Blemishes: 5 Kitchen Ingredients To Get Rid Of Those Annoying Spots – Infographic

There are several treatments for chronic freckled condition including pigment lasers, skin-lightening creams, and chemical peels, but if you have a milder version of it and want to go the natural way, you can try out some these below-mentioned facial recipes.

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Now, welcome a blemish-free, glowing complexion with these easy to whip face packs that can be concocted right on your kitchen counter with easily available, cost-effective ingredients.

Ingredients for face recipes for freckles and woman using it

Homemade Face Recipes For Freckles

Oatmeal-Almond Oil Face Mask


2 tbsp grounded oatmeal

1 tbsp buttermilk

1 tbsp almond oil


Mix all the ingredients to make a thick paste.

Smear it all over the face and neck.

Allow it to dry for 15-20 minutes.

Wash off with lukewarm water.

Do it twice a week for desired results.

How It Works:

Enriched with vitamin A and E, almond oil works like magic to soothe inflammation, and nourish the skin while reducing pigmentation. It also reverses sun damage and protects the skin against the various signs of ageing. While oatmeal scourges away the dead skin cells and cleanses the pores, buttermilk having anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties prevents bacterial infection to give way to spotless, radiant skin.

Aloe Vera-Cocoa Butter Face Mask


 2 tbsp cocoa butter

1 tbsp aloe vera gel

2 drops of orange essential oil


Blend all the ingredients to get a smooth paste.

Apply this paste on cleansed face before going off to sleep.

Massage in circular motions on your face and neck.

Keep on the face mask overnight.

Wash off with a mild cleanser in the morning.

How It Works:

Imbibed with bioactive compounds like polyphenols, cocoa butter inhibits melanogenesis and offers photoprotection and can also reverse the effects of UV-induced skin damage. While aloe vera gel reduces melanin deposition on the skin, orange essential oil having an abundance of antioxidants reduces inflammation and diminishes the appearance of freckles with time.

Potato-Honey Face Mask


2 tbsp potato zest

1 tbsp honey

½ tsp lemon zest

1 tsp of mint paste


Mix all the ingredients in a small vessel.

Apply this smooth paste all over the face and neck.

Keep it on for 20 minutes.

Wash off with cool water.

Do it twice a week for faster results.

How It Works:

Loaded with antioxidants and essential nutrients, potato juice confers a magical remedy to reduce dark spots and brighten skin. Paired with mint paste, it reverses harmful UV damage and reduces the appearance of spots, fine lines, wrinkles and other blemishes. While honey soothes and moisturizes the skin, lemon juice lightens the skin and bestows a crystal-clear, glowing complexion.