If one topic trended quite high and caught everyone’s attention in the year 2019, that should be ‘healthy eating.’ This year witnessed various food eating trends Keto, intermittent, paleo, Mediterranean and many more diets with people eagerly lapping up all the advice in their pursuit to lose weight and stay healthy.

Food Trends 2019

Eating healthy, clean eating topped the agenda for most of us in 2019, thanks to the increased awareness created by doctors, nutritionist and dieticians. Our eating pattern has changed a lot in recent years which has greatly helped us to better our standard of living and health. The current trend is a blend of traditional and western innovations and more importantly, the top priority is to eat healthily. Let’s read more about the food trends that were a sure shot in the year 2019.

Diet Trends-Keto

Diet trends were surging to great novelties, it was all about switching to diets that lays emphasis on eating nutrient-dense whole foods for improved health and well-being. This diet trend enabled people to sustain it for a longer time but was not a quick solution for losing weight. One of the most valued diet trends in 2019 is the keto diet. Also Read: Why the Keto diet is more than just a weight-loss program

Keto diet is a high fat, low carb and moderate protein eating pattern which promotes weight loss controls blood sugar, improves heart health and boosts brain function without any side effects. Go Keto in 2020 too both for losing weight and staying fit.

Meat Free

Meat-free Monday is a global initiative, the key message is to spread among people the idea of reducing the intake of animal-based food and choosing at least one day in a week to be meatless. It is also slowly an emerging food trend in India that aims to educate people about the importance of veganism. It came out to be a vital tool for promoting healthy eating habits and stresses on the perks of eating plant-based foods. The wellness incentives of going meat-free include lowering the risk of heart disease, stroke, obesity, cancer, and other lifestyle disorders. In 2020, make your Monday mornings meat-free and keep the blues away.

Fermented Food

Fermented foods are the sensational health trends and for all the good reasons. It owes to the richness of gut-friendly bacteria that are loaded in these foods from yogurt to kimchee (pickled vegetables) have ranked as the top superfood of the year. The healthy bacteria play a crucial role in building up the gut microbiome which improves digestion, triggers the immune system and maintain weight. The good bacteria grow during the process of fermentation and some of the commonly available fermented foods include:

Kefir a type of fermented milk beverage

Kombucha, fermented green tea

Miso, fermented soybean paste

Tempeh, fermented soy meat substitute

To enjoy innumerable health benefits, add fermented foods to your daily diet in 2020. Also Read: Top 3 Vegan Probiotic Foods To Boost Your Overall Health

Veggie Alternative To Grains

Zoodles, known as zucchini pasta is a prized ingredient for many dishes as it is low on calories and heaped with nutrients. From pasta to vegetable stir-fries, zucchini low-calorie noodles find a place as a star ingredient for making some delectable meals. With just 19 calories per serving, zucchini also comes with a nutritious punch such as potassium, vitamin C, folate, vitamin A, and iron, zero cholesterol and fat. Moreover, with high water content, it keeps you satiated longer with every single bite. The immense nutritional profile keeps you hydrated, makes bone stronger, promotes weight loss and boosts overall well-being.

Cauliflower rice is also a popular food trend and a healthy swap for starchy rice as it satisfies your craving for rice which is a low carb option loaded with nutrients. The treasure trove of nutrients includes vitamins C, K and B6, fibre, potassium and antioxidants which augments bone health, control blood pressure, cleanse the system and lowers the risk of cancer. There are many such countless varieties possible and it’s time to go experimental in your kitchen and eat more veggies in 2020.

Indigenous Ingredients

Eating indigenous food is the latest food trend and suits best for your health. Locally grown organic foods are fresh, tastier and heaped with a dense nutrient profile. You will discover new foods and can choose from a spectrum of seasonally grown produce which is fresher and nutritious. Generally, fruits and vegetables begin to lose their nutrients within a day of harvesting, while locally grown foods are picked at its full ripeness when it is heaped with nutrients.

Moreover, local farmers generally follow safe growing practices and good soil quality, making it organic and buying local produce promotes local agriculture and business. In 2020, make a deal with your local farmer and bring home freshly grown produce.