Coughing is a natural reflex reaction for clearing the throat and irritants in the lungs. It aids to keep airways clear of obstructing elements thereby helping you to breathe easily. The common reason for dry cough is infection. Dry coughs cause a tickling sensation and are mostly due to irritation in the throat without any phlegm or mucus. It is medically referred to as a non-productive cough and dry coughs are unable to clear mucus, phlegm or irritants from the lungs or nasal passages. Dry coughs can stay for weeks after a person had a cold or the flu. They may be caused by several conditions including postnasal drip, asthma, and GERD and also be caused by persistent exposure to environmental toxins like cigarette smoke.

dry cough

Dry coughs can be very unpleasant and may develop in both adults and children. With flu and COVID-19 cases, rising, where dry cough is considered the most dreadful symptom. Though dry cough is not severe every time, it can be milder form due to other causes.

There are several medical treatments that may help you comfort a dry cough, however, natural remedies can also be beneficial to ease a dry cough. It’s best to consult your healthcare provider if you have been coughing persistently.

Also Read: Did You Just Cough Or Sneeze? How To Tell The Difference Between COVID-19, Allergies And The Flu

Well, natural remedies for dry cough aren’t one-size solutions for all, you may have to try several ones before finding out what works best for you. Try some of these home remedies to get relief from dry cough.

home remedy

Are You Suffering From Dry Cough? Checkout Our Wide Range Of Herbal Teas And Lozenges To Soothe The Irritated Throat

Natural Cure For Dry Cough


Honey is valued as one of the best remedies for treating day and nightime dry coughing. It can be used for children ages 1 and above and adults. The potent antibacterial actions of honey assist in coating the throat and offering respite from throat irritation and dry cough. Even studies revealed that honey was more powerful than certain cough suppressant elements for lowering nagging bouts of nighttime cough in children.


You can have a teaspoon of honey thrice daily or add it to tea or warm water to drink. Never give honey to children under 1 year.


Turmeric is one of the key ingredients in several ayurvedic formulations that have been bestowed with indispensable medicinal and therapeutic properties. The active compound curcumin in turmeric is attributed to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial qualities. It is potent in treating upper respiratory problems, bronchitis and asthma. In Ayurvedic medicine, turmeric is used for ages for curing dry cough and other respiratory conditions.


To reap the maximum benefits, always blend turmeric with black pepper, where curcumin is best absorbed into the bloodstream. Take 1 teaspoon of turmeric and 1/8 teaspoon of black pepper boil well and have this infusion to alleviate a dry cough. Turmeric is also available in the form of a supplement.


Ginger is one of the healthiest spices packed with a wealth of nutrients and bioactive compounds that confer incredible health-benefiting properties. The strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory traits of ginger are known to trigger the immune response and alleviate pain, sore throat and cough. Ginger is a key ingredient in many herbal teas and formulations.


Make ginger tea by brewing ginger root peeled or cut roots in warm water, adding honey to make it more valuable for dry cough or simply chewing ginger roots to get relief from dry cough. You can also take ginger in capsule form.

Marshmallow Root

Marshmallow root is a kind of herb used extensively in traditional medicine for its remarkable therapeutic actions. It is used largely as a main ingredient in cough syrup and in lozenges to soothe dry coughs and heal irritated throats. The roots are used to treat respiratory infections owing to their potential antibacterial traits. The decongestant and soothing nature of this root can open up the airways to loosen phlegm and improve breathing.

Also Read: 5 Home Remedies To Soothe Sore Throat And Cough


Peppermint endowed with the active compound methanol aids in the numbing nerve ending in the throat that becomes irritated by persistent dry coughs. This offers pain relief and lessens the urge to cough. Apart from this, peppermint is credited to have strong antibacterial and antiviral actions that lower congestion and optimises lung health.


Steep a few peppermint leaves in a cup of water and have this refreshing tea before bedtime to get relief from dry coughs. Peppermint lozenges are readily available in stores. Peppermint essential is also widely used in aromatherapy.

 Masala Chai 

Masala chai is an age-old remedy used to treat a host of conditions like sore throat and dry cough. Masala chai is a blend of several ingredients such as cloves, and cardamom that serves as a potent antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory agent and also acts as a natural expectorant.


Capsaicin is a bioactive compound found in chilli peppers that has been used largely to ease chronic coughing. It is available as a supplement in the form of a capsule. Also, you can brew tea by adding a few drops of cayenne pepper extract or whole chilli pepper in warm water.


Capsaicin-based remedies are not suggested for children.


There are several effective home remedies, which can relieve your dry cough.Usually, dry coughs settle on their own, but if the cough is accompanied by other symptoms, then seek immediate medical help, which includes:

  • Breathing problems
  • Wheezing
  • Chest pain
  • Back pain
  • Fever
  • Chills