Sneezing is an involuntary mechanism by the body to expel unwanted germs, bacteria and other foreign substances from entering the nasal passages and lungs.Persistent Sneezing

Also known as sternutation, sneezing is usually triggered by various factors including dust, animal dander, pollen, infections caused due to flu, cough and cold.

Body reflexes like blinking, breathing, sneezing are medically called as semiautonomous reflexes as we have certain control over it. However, if you are suffering from continuous sneezing without a break, it’s time for concern.

While stopping it is a tricky affair, here are few ways on how you can stop those involuntary expulsions of air.

Know The Triggers:

If it is not due to cold and cough, several allergens could cause it. The list is long and that includes dust, pollen, mold, animal dander, spicy foods like pepper, coriander powder, chilli powder, green chilis, pungent smells etc. So, it is important to pin down the cause behind those sneezes and to stay away from it.

If you cannot figure out the reason, ask your doctor for an allergy test.

Treat Allergies:

If you are sure on what is causing you to sneeze, it’s time to get treated for that. An over the counter pill, intranasal spray would keep allergens under control. If you think the problem is seasonal or caused due to pollutants like pet dander or mold at home or office, address the problem right away.

Eat Smaller Meals:

Few people tend to sneeze after eating and this condition has always baffled the medical community. Sneezing continuously after eating causes severe fatigue and pain in the rib cage area. Doctors recommend eating slow, small meals and chewing the food completely to avoid the problem.

Stay Way From Pollutants:

Besides regular allergens there are certain airborne irritants that cause instant and continuous sneezing. Chemicals, cement, asbestos, coal, metal, poultry, certain types of wood, grains, flour cause sneezing and may lead to chronic respiratory problems. If you find these pollutants in and around your house, reduce the hazards by using a proper ventilation.