Milk is considered one of the most nutritious foods on the planet. Be it for infants, adults, old aged, children, or any other form of life, milk has been an easy, digestible, and nutritional option. When it comes to pets, most dogs and cats are milk babies and they love milk for its rich fat content and good taste, but it doesn't mean it is the only best available food on earth for them. Of course, milk contains all the essential nutrition pets need in their diet, including protein, calcium, and Vitamins A, D, and B12. While milk is not bad for dogs, there has been a myth that dogs should not be given anything else than milk. However, the fact is that many other food forms can be a substitute for a milk in case the dog is lactose intolerant. Dogs can face several health issues if they drink milk or eat dairy products in high quantities or over a long period. Some breeds of dogs and cats lack the enzyme necessary to break down milk and it can give an upset stomach to them.

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Benefits of Milk Diet For Dogs

There is no denying that milk may help add some nutrients to a dog’s body and may provide them with Calcium which is very important for healthy bone formation. It also will give them Vitamin D in some doses. This vitamin is only available from the sun and pets do not like to venture in the direct sun. Milk also gives them other essential Vitamins and minerals. The easy part of putting a dog on a milk diet is that it would not take a lot of time for them to get accustomed to the milk regime and most will not throw a tantrum. Milk is also not very difficult to digest unless the pet is lactose intolerant.

Also Read: Pet Nutrition: Essential Vitamins And Minerals For Your Beastie

Side Effects Of Milk Diet 

Though milk alone or with some additional solid food is not very difficult for a pet's digestive system, if taken in excess or taken for a prolonged period without adding other supplements into their diet, in case of a weak digestive system or lactose intolerance, the pet will have many health issues. Some of the symptoms in such cases are:

  • Loose motion
  • Bloating in the stomach
  • Flatulence
  • Vomiting
  • Pain in the abdomen
  • Gastrointestinal issues

Also Read: Puppy Teething: Stages, Time And 5 Ways To Help Your Pup Overcome The Discomfort

Alternative To Milk Diet In Pets

Among many myths about pet diet, one of the most popular myths is that a pet should only be given bread and milk or wheat roti or milk. While it is not a bad idea, it certainly may not be the best food for the entire day. Keeping in mind the optimal health of your pet, here are the following options that can be added to their meal plan:

  • Chicken and all kinds of meat products
  • Eggs are considered an excellent source of protein
  • Soya chunks in small amounts
  • Boiled potatoes when they are at the teething stage
  • Plant milk such as oat milk, soy milk, and almond milk
  • Essential fatty acids foods such as leafy greens and flax seeds
  • Veggies in small potions such as broccoli, carrots, sprouts, peas, and beans
  • Fruits that they happily gulp without grinning or sulking


When the puppy is born the first thing it will get as food is milk. Though it is good in little amounts as they become adults, to keep them in the best of health, it is always better to start adding all other food sources into their meal plan instead of keeping them only on milk slowly and gradually. It is best to consult a veterinarian as soon as you are starting to chalk out a meal for your furry friend. To avoid any discomfort or weakness to them, check what works best for the pet and also make sure your pup does not have any kind of allergy to dairy products or is lactose intolerant. Adding pet supplements is also a great alternative.