Day in and out, every individual strives to keep themselves and their loved ones hale and hearty by incorporating various lifestyle changes, besides eating wholesome and nutrient-dense foods. And then, some of us have four-legged friends at home, who are as much a part of our life as any human around us. These furry friends play, eat, and jump around, enjoying life to a T. However, the only difference is they cannot communicate with us about their choices, pain, or displeasure. Well, they do but in ways that may be not very apparent. We must pay heed to those subtle messages. Keeping a pet in pink health brings peace to the pet and the master. A healthy and balanced diet is essential for a healthy and happy pet and, one of the most essential parts of the diet is protein.
Hydrolyzed Diet For Dog

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Common Ailments In Protein-Deficient Dogs

A protein-nutrient-deficient pet is at risk for the following ailments:

  • Fur loss and brittle coat
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Respiratory disorders
  • Allergies
  • Weight loss
  • Upset stomach
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency

What Is A Hydrolyzed Diet?

The building blocks of a dog, their muscles, disease-fighting antibodies, and hormones, everything is all protein. Dogs take proteins from food, break them down into amino acids, and blend them with new proteins. Unfortunately, sometimes the protein from their diet specifically meat, can trigger an abnormal auto-immune response. While the cause of this problem is unknown, the body mistakes the proteins as a threat and begins to attack them which results in an allergic reaction. Since allergies are usually caused by these proteins, the only way to avoid an allergic attack is to keep the respective allergen away from the diet and look for a better-tolerated protein source. Besides fruits and vegetables, many veterinarians recommend a hydrolyzed diet. A food formula crafted for dogs with hydrolyzed proteins, in this food type, the proteins are chemically broken down into tiny pieces through a water-based process called hydrolysis. It is a chemical process in which various enzymes break the protein molecules into their smaller structural components that is amino acids and peptides. Because hydrolysis purely uses water to chemically break proteins into extremely small pieces, the immune system stops reacting to them.

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Why Hydrolyzed Protein Dog Food Is Needed?

Essentially, an elimination diet that identifies which types of ingredients the dog may be allergic to, veterinarians prescribe hydrolyzed protein dog foods to treat two primary conditions-food allergies and inflammatory bowel disease. While Immunosuppressive medications and other treatments may also be necessary in severe cases of inflammatory bowel disease, doctors try to reduce the symptoms by advising this diet. Since it makes proteins invisible to a dog’s immune system, the body is no longer able to determine the source of protein and treats these broken molecules as generic proteins. It makes the body digest the hydrolyzed protein form.

Benefits Of Hydrolyzed Dog Food

  • Dogs with allergies find it easier to digest than most commercial dog foods
  • It helps to reduce symptoms of overall digestive distress
  • It can be an effective remedy to reset a dog’s unhealthy digestive system
  • Since there is no cross-contamination, it can help find out the cause of the trigger of an allergic reaction
  • The diet rules out if any environmental factors are causing allergy as the symptoms can be the same for both

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How Long Hydrolyzed Diet Can Be Given?

Primarily, hydrolyzed protein dog food is given for a minimum of 6–12 weeks or until their symptoms subside. A detailed follow-up with a veterinarian is important when the dog is on this diet.  It is a temporary food arrangement to provide relief from allergy symptoms and gradually protein is added back into the diet. If the dog still reacts to it, the protein allergy is confirmed. If protein is the main cause of allergy, the dog may need to eat a special diet for the rest of its life.

Side Effects

Though the diets are made under the strictest quality measures and are not contaminated by ingredients that are not on the label, in some dogs, a hydrolyzed protein dog food can trigger diarrhea, digestive problems, and constipation. There can be some nutritional deficiencies as these food formulas are low in nutrition as compared to a natural diet. To some pets, the smell and texture of hydrolyzed protein can be repelling, and it may lead to loss of appetite. In a few cases, it may not eliminate the allergy symptoms.