In our hectic lifestyle, we are always in a rush to grab our food on the go, and with distractions abound, mindful eating confers a powerful solution. By cultivating mindful eating habits, one can remarkably improve their eating behaviour, feel satiated with minimal food, and reduce calorie intake, all of which are crucial for managing conditions like diabetes or preventing insulin resistance.

Take this two-minute read on how to practice mindful eating for better blood sugar management.
mindful eating

What Is Mindful Eating?

Mindful eating practice involves focusing on the food and how it makes a person feel. It is a behaviour that comprises paying full attention to the experience of eating and drinking, both internally and externally. Mindful eating behaviour assists a person in differentiating between physical and emotional hunger clues and may also reduce disordered eating habits. Several pieces of evidence have proven that this dietary regimen supports weight loss, averts binge eating and helps an individual optimise overall health.

Also Read: Mindful Eating Guide 101: Health Benefits, Nutrition And Ways To Practice This Diet Regimen

This eating practice optimises the enjoyment of meals and supports healthier and informed food choices and better digestion. For diabetic patients inculcating mindful eating can assist in regulating blood sugar spikes, mitigating the risk of complications and augmenting overall health.

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What Are Ways to Foster Mindful Eating Habits?

Eat Slowly /Chew Thoroughly

Take your time chewing every bite. Chew slowly and thoroughly, allowing your body to recognize satiety signals, which can prevent overeating and stabilize blood sugar levels.

Focus on Sensory Feel

This is one of the most important skills to practice. Involve all your senses to the fullest while having meals.  Observe the colours, textures, consistency, tastes and aromas of your food. This heightened awareness helps in savouring each bite and promotes satisfaction.

Eliminate Distractions

Switch off TV screens, get away from phones, and make a calm and peaceful environment while having food. Minimizing distractions lets you concentrate on the process of eating and enhances mindful awareness.

Listen To The Body:

Focus on hunger and fullness cues. Eat when you’re hungry, and stop when you feel satisfied, not overly full. This approach prevents spikes in blood sugar and promotes a balanced energy level throughout the day.

Practice Gratitude

This is a very essential step, before every meal, take a moment to express sincere thoughtfulness for the food on your plate. This mindfulness practice fosters a positive relationship with food and encourages mindful eating habits.

Portion Control

Be thoughtful of portion sizes. Use smaller plates or bowls to avoid overeating. Understanding the right portions helps manage carbohydrate intake, directly affecting blood sugar levels.

Select Nutrient-Dense Foods

Choose from a whole lot of nutrient-dense foods such as vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and whole grains. These choices provide sustained energy and vital nutrients and support regulating blood sugar spikes.

Also Read: Diabetes Care: Manage Blood Sugar Levels With Smart Carbohydrate Choices

What Are the Advantages of Mindful Eating for Diabetes Management?

 Controls Blood Glucose Levels

This eating behaviour is best known for promoting balanced blood sugar levels by preventing rapid spikes or crashes that happen when you overeat or consume high-glycemic foods.
diabetes control

Improves Insulin Sensitivity

Regularly practising mindful eating behaviour can improve insulin sensitivity, thus making it easier for the system to control blood sugar effectively.

Manages Weight

Mindful eating practice is an effective tool for attaining your weight loss goals. This supports weight loss by encouraging healthier food choices and portion control, which is critical for overall diabetes management.

Eases Stress

Mindful eating reduces stress levels associated with food and eating habits, which can indirectly benefit controlling blood sugar surges.


Practising mindful eating habits in your routine can modify your relationship with food and augment your overall physical and mental well-being, particularly when aiming for better blood sugar control. By savouring each meal, listening to your body’s cues, and choosing nutrient-rich foods, you empower yourself to regulate blood glucose levels within normal range and optimise overall health in the long run. Embrace the practice of mindful eating today and reap the rewards of improved blood sugar control and enhanced vitality.

( This content is reviewed by Kalyani Krishna Chief Content Editor)

Author Profile

M Sowmya Binu:

With over 15 years of expertise and a Postgraduate degree in Nutrition, M Sowmya Binu is a seasoned professional in the field of nutrition. Specializing in tailoring personalized diet plans, she underscores the significance of a balanced approach to health, emphasizing the integration of medication with dietary intake for holistic wellness. Passionate about equipping individuals with the knowledge to make informed decisions, Sowmya adeptly develops insightful content encompassing a wide array of topics including food, nutrition, supplements, and overall health.


Mindful eating as a tool for diabetes prevention and management: A review of potential mechanisms of action.

Muñoz-Mireles, G., Mantzios, M., Schellinger, J. N., Messiah, S. E., & Marroquín, E. (2023). Mindful eating as a tool for diabetes prevention and management: A review of potential mechanisms of action. Mindfulness, 14(12), 2831–2847.