The sweltering summer is quite bothering, and it’s the time of the year when people go on a vacay mode, feel like sporting a sleeveless outfit or relax at the beach to get a nice tan. With the social lockdown being extended till 31st May, you might not strut out to the office or go outdoors, but still might feel comfortable wearing a sleeveless night dress or an off-shoulder outfit at the comfort of your home to beat the warm weather.

But there are many women who shudder at the mere thought of exposing their unflattering armpits and hence face major embarrassment even to flaunt a nice sleeveless blouse or a nighty at home. Like skin blemishes, pigmentation, discolouration of other parts of the body, dark underarms can ultimately diminish self-esteem and cause a lack of confidence.

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Wondering, What Causes Dark Underarms?

Dark armpits can often occur due to the following conditions:

  • Irritation due to shaving
  • Use of chemical irritants like deodorants, antiperspirants, shaving creams
  • Lack of exfoliation causing build-up of dead skin cells
  • Friction due to wearing tight clothes
  • Increased melanin production due to hyperpigmentation
  • Conditions like Melasma, Acanthosis nigricans, Erythrasma or Addison’s disease.

Although it is extremely difficult to remain cautious all the time and refrain from using body perfumes, antiperspirants and deodorants, there are natural ways to lighten underarms as well.
scrub packs
If your armpits have darkened over the passing years, does that mean you should bid farewell to sleeveless clothes? Well, not anymore! Try making use of these timesaving, cost-effective homemade scrubs to get lightened underarms naturally.

DIY Underarm Scrubs

Coconut Oil And Baking Soda Scrub


1 tbsp baking soda

1tsp coconut oil

½ tsp lemon juice


Mix all the ingredients into a smooth paste

Apply the paste all over the armpits in a circular motion.

Let it on for 15-20 minutes.

Wash off with cool water.

How It Works:

The main ingredient being baking soda is a natural exfoliant and bleaching agent. Not only does it remove dry dead skin cells but also lighten the new cells underneath. Coconut oil acts as a moisturiser whereas lemon juice having anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties, prevents the growth of microorganisms while brightening the skin of the armpits within a week. Also Read: Many Benefits Of Baking Soda For Beautiful Skin

Orange Peel Powder And Milk Scrub


2 tbsp orange peel powder

1 tbsp cold milk

1 tbsp rose water

2 drops of olive oil


Mix everything together into a smooth mixture.

Gently apply it all over the armpits.

Massage for some time and keep it on for 15 minutes.

Wash off with cool water.

How It Works:

The potent exfoliating properties of orange peel powder is fantastic against the stubborn dark pigmentation of the underarms. Enriched with skin whitening properties, milk facilitates the lightening of the skin whereas olive oil hydrates and nourishes the dry skin under the arms. Also Read: Orange Peels: DIY Beauty Concoctions To Reap The Benefits Of This Tangerine Skin

Cucumber And Potato Scrub


2 tbsp cucumber juice

2 tbsp potato juice

1 tbsp raw honey

1 tbsp sugar granules


Mix all the ingredients into a bowl.

Smear it all over the armpits.

Scrub the skin gently for 15 minutes.

Wash off with cool water.

How It Works:

Imbued with vitamins, minerals and excellent bleaching properties, both cucumber and potato work wonders for brightening, smoothening and softening the skin of the underarms. Whilst the sugar granules scrub the dead skin cells, honey offers natural moisturisation to the skin beneath. Use it regularly to get fair underarms in a week.