Essential oils derived from spices have been a part of holistic healing and helpful in curing many chronic anomalies for ages. Derived from pure extracts of the parent herb, every essential oil can be an elixir when it comes to bringing relief from pain, reducing stiffness, and helping in lubrication. From the wide array of spices available to us comes an essential oil extracted from a rare Indonesian pepper called Cubeb pepper (botanically known as Piper Cubeba), also popular as ‘kabab chini.’ 

 Introduced into Europe by Arab traders who introduced this spice to Indian land, cubeb was one of the most valuable spices in the medieval period. A dried ripe berry native to Indonesia, this spice is from the Piper family and a distant cousin to the common black pepper. This dark grey pepper variety resembles peppercorns at its first appearance but has a tiny tail attached to it. Vernacularly, also called African black pepper, Javanese pepper, tailed pepper, java pepper oil, and extracts, are sought after across the world for culinary purposes, bolstering overall health and promoting wellness. In aromatherapy, cubeb essential oil is used as a massage oil to relieve muscular aches, rheumatism, and several types of joint pain. Cubeb oil is also a potent antiseptic and astringent.
Cubeb Pepper

Also Read: White Pepper: Amazing Health Benefits Of These Flavoured Kernels, You Must Know - Infographic

 Cubeb Versus Black Pepper

 Cubeb pepper is adored and widely used in Arabic, Chinese, Indian, Indonesian, North African, and typical Moroccan cuisines. In Asia, it is popularly used in curries. Just like the black pepper, this pepper is also plucked when green and sun-dried. When in bloom, the cubeb tree has white blossoms and small green-tailed berries, slightly larger than a peppercorn. After being picked, these berries are left in the sunshine to dry until they become wrinkled and turn dark grey or black. Slightly spicy, with a tad bit of bitter, aromatic notes of clove, cubeb is incalescent in nature and not as hot as black pepper. Black pepper contains a naturally occurring organic compound-alkaloid piperine, the reason for its peppery taste and heat, while cubeb pepper does not contain this component. 

Also Read: Shishito Pepper: Health Benefits And Uses Of This Green Wrinkled Pepper In Various Cuisines- Recipe Inside

  Bountiful Health Benefits Cubeb Essential Oil

 Treating minor to major issues arising from respiratory conditions flared up due to chronic bronchitis. It can alleviate respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses that can infect the throat, nose, and lungs

  • Curing bad breath that can be due to odour-producing bacteria that thrive in the mouth
  • Soothing several types of headaches 
  • Relieve asthmatic problems, hay fever, and pharyngitis
  • It helps to cure gonorrhoea and leucorrhoea
  • The oil's diuretic property brings down severe urinary tract infections
  • Prostrate infections and vaginitis can also be treated with Cubeb essential oil

 Also Read: Pippali: Incredible Wellness Incentives Of The Indian Long Pepper

 Cubeb Pepper in Home Remedies

 Cough, cold and common flu are problems that all of us deal with daily. Cubeb or java pepper saves us from the discomfort of many such lung and respiratory health issues. A popular ingredient for flavouring in cooked vegetables and meat products, cubeb can even be used in baking. Easily available in many grocery stores, in case you are looking for simple remedies that are simple yet effective to get rid of respiratory and digestive anomalies here is how this sassy spice and its oil can benefit you:
cubeb pepper infusion

 Indigestion Remedy

 In a pot, add 1/6 tablespoon of ground cubeb pepper, 1/3 teaspoon of ground turmeric, and a few leaves of fresh basil with two cups of water to boil. Let it boil for a few minutes until it gets a little denser. Strain and drink it warm.

How It Works:

 By stimulating the production of gastric juices, cubeb pepper can aid digestive activity levels. It can also break down hard-to-digest meals, thus helping to treat severe flatulence, acidity, and indigestion.

Cough Remedy

 For chronic cough and throat issues coughs, add a few pinches of crushed cubeb pepper to one and a half tablespoons of organic honey. Mix this decoction into freshly steeped tea. Drink twice a day when lukewarm until the cough gets cleared up. Alternatively, inhaling cubeb oil can also help to relieve congestion and sore throat.

 How It Works: 

 Honey has been a well-known suppressant to soothe a sore throat. It is loaded with anti-bacterial properties that can expel whooping cough. When infused with cubeb pepper, it can suppress colds and be a quick remedial solution for soothing mild bronchitis, and nagging coughs besides being helpful to cure respiratory disorders.