Misty mornings are around the corner. Time to don bright warm clothing, soak in the Vitamin sunshine or sip on your morning cuppa in the comfort of your home. While you desire to take a long stroll in the sun instead of avoiding it, for most of us, this season also comes with many health woes such as cough, cold, fever, and allergies. Other than all this, the season also brings discomfort such as joint stiffness, achy bones, and muscles that may cause deep, steady, or sporadic pain. This may impede your coveted morning walk ideas.

A common problem and relatively intense in colder regions, a sudden dip in temperature makes the muscle go into spasm leading to less mobility and flexibility as they become tighter and non-flexible. The result is stiffness, pain, and even inflammation. Of course, we do not want to get used to popping a pill for an everyday problem. Luckily, there are many other ways to combat this occasional or frequent discomfort. Because the pain in the joints gets worse during cold weather, it becomes extremely essential to eat a healthy diet to protect yourself against body aches. And then, thanks to nature and its herbs, several home remedies come to our rescue this season.
Food for morning stiffness

Also Read: Yoga For Winter Stiffness: Fight The Blues With These Recharging Yogasanas

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There could be many reasons for mild to chronic joint or muscle pain as you wake up. It could be due to a change of weather or can flare up due to an underlying illness or infection, or in some cases, an autoimmune disease could be the culprit. Here is a list of some common health conditions that could be the reason for achy muscles or joints or both.  

  • People with rheumatoid arthritis may experience a noticeable change in their body ranging from morning stiffness to mild inflammation or fever
  • Diabetes can lead to joint pain besides affecting the muscles, skeleton, and the nervous system
  • Muscular dystrophy can also lead to loss of muscle mass. In this ailment, abnormal mutations of genes interfere with the production of proteins that is vital for muscle formation. This brings pain and stiffness.
  • Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder that causes widespread pain, sleep disorders, fatigue, and mental distress. The patients experience muscle-related symptoms like pain, stiffness, and numbness in the hands and feet
  • Osteoarthritis is a disease when the cartilage that cushions the ends of bones and joints gradually begins to deteriorate. This may cause sudden pain in them

Also Read: Ayurveda For Rheumatoid Arthritis: Phenomenal Herbal Remedies To Mitigate Joint Pain

How To Combat Winter-Induced Pain?

Looking for natural ways to overcome the problem? As a precautionary measure, even when you may not feel thirsty, keep drinking plenty of water and fluids to stay hydrated. Avoid taking cold showers and try to regulate temperature as per the body’s requirements and present surroundings. Also, try these amazing home remedies to get rid of such pains and enjoy this cozy season to the fullest:


Cinnamon contains cinnamaldehyde and cinnamic acid, both have antioxidant properties inhibiting cell damage caused by free radicals and oxidative stress. This spice is also laden with anti-inflammatory and healing properties alleviating body aches and joint pain.

How To Use: Mix a pinch of (bark-derived) cinnamon powder in a glass of warm water and drink this infusion in the morning to aid relief from joint and muscle woes

Mustard Oil

Mustard oil has been used since ancient times to ease rheumatic, bone, muscle, and joint pain. It contains allyl isothiocyanate, a compound that reduces inflammation-borne pain and removes body toxins. Mustard oil also stimulates blood flow and improves circulation.

How To Use: Heat mustard oil to a lukewarm temperature and apply it to your joints. Leave it overnight. Take a hot water bath in the morning to get rid of leftover oil. Repeat every alternate day.

Cow Ghee/ Clarified Butter

Clarified Butter/ghee is one of the most effective ways to soothe inflammation, lubricate joints, and reduce stiffness. Vitamin K2 in cow ghee helps in calcium absorption and improves bone health.

How To Use: Include one spoonful of ghee in your daily diet to avoid joint pain. Apply ghee externally on achy joints to lubricate joints and get rid of arthritis. It can also be applied to feet soles for a relaxed sleep.


Renowned as the king of spices, turmeric is one of the most effective home remedies to soothe joint and muscle pain. Laden with anti-inflammatory properties, a pinch of turmeric can help your body heal and get rid of body aches besides boosting its immunity.

How To Use: Mix half a teaspoon of turmeric powder into a glass of warm milk and drink it for at least thirty minutes before going to sleep every night.