Do you suffer from unbearable back aches? Are you unable to stand, sit or walk well or carry your routine activities due to back pain?  Well, back ache generally tops the list of musculoskeletal problems regardless of age and gender and most people think it’s a normal part of life and tend to ignore it. While mild back aches now and then are not a cause of concern, there are certain types of back aches that should not be ignored. And these kinds of back pain are mostly accompanied by specific symptoms or have an intense impact on your ability to carry out routine work. Neglecting an issue can invite further complications that can impact your quality of life and may leave you with excruciating pain.
Back pain

Though it’s easy to state up back pain as a natural sign of ageing if you’re underage of 55 or younger, then you should consult your healthcare providers or seek immediate medical attention if you are having any of these types of back pain mentioned below:

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Back Pain With Numbness or Tingling

Back pain accompanied by numbness or tingling sensation down the arms or legs could be a sign of a spinal issue such as a pinched nerve. There are several types of back problems that can cause “pins and needles” sensations via the limbs like sciatica, spinal stenosis, or disc herniation.

If you are just started to feel this symptom, then visit your healthcare provider who will assess your condition thoroughly and determine whether you need specialized treatment. While if you have been experiencing symptoms for a while and it’s becoming more severe, you may have to visit orthopaedic spine specialist.

Also Read: Suffering From Low Back Pain? Here Are Some Proven Exercises To Soothe Muscle Aches

Back Pain Post-Traumatic Injury

After a traumatic injury like a fall or an accident, the body undergoes a lot of physical stress. With a minor injury, most people can walk and resume regular work right after an accident but may develop pain later and ignore it. If you feel any changes like aches, pinching, strain, or weakness in your system after a traumatic injury, then visit your doctor as early as possible.

Persisting Back Pain For Months

Back pain is categorized into two types acute and chronic. Acute back pain usually lasts for a week to three months, while chronic back pain lasts for more than three months. If you are having chronic back pain, then it may indicate a condition called degenerative disc disease. Persistent pain can impact your quality of life and need immediate medical attention.

Back Pain With the Loss of Bladder/ Bowel Control

Spinal nerve compression can impact the organs that regulate bladder and bowel function; this may result in incontinence. This is a very severe symptom that should never be ignored. A person experiencing an improper bladder or bowel function should immediately seek emergency help, as these symptoms signals that something is not working fine.

Also Read: 7 Simple And Easy-To-Do Stretches To Relieve Upper Back Pain

Back Pain With Fever

If you are having a fever with back pain, then it is a sign that your system is battling some bad infections that need immediate medical help. If the fever is not typically caused by a virus, but when accompanied by back pain, this can be the body’s response to a spinal infection like an epidural abscess.

Back Pain Affecting Routine Tasks

If you are experiencing back pain that impedes you from living your normal life, then you should visit your physician. Routine tasks like sitting and standing up, bending over to get an object, or low-impact exercise, should not cause back pain and you should not feel discomfort while doing these activities. In such situations, it’s time to get an appointment with a specialist who can help you to identify problems and offer the right treatment options for back pain management.


Back pain if left unattended or not dealt with at the right time then there will be numbness or paralysis on an immediate or gradual basis. This can lead to permanent walking issues and impede your quality of life. Never delay treatment, it is important to seek good medical care. The treatment will vary from person to person depending on the symptoms and underlying conditions.