Crabgrass millet, one of the popularly known species of the genus Digitaria, scientifically called Digitaria Sanguinalis, is a rare annual herb in the family of true grasses. Known worldwide as a common weed, the plant also goes known by several common names, including hairy crabgrass, hairy finger grass, crab finger grass, and purple crabgrass. This form of millet is native to central Europe and thrives in temperate areas like the United States (mainly in the U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico) as well as in tropical climates where they grow as a perennial and flowers throughout the year. Crabgrass is still an important staple grain in the form of porridge and bread in many parts of the world and has been a well-known millet in Europe and Africa since ancient times. 
crabgrass millet

Interestingly, the herb has always been a part of Indian tribal culture as well and this rare millet variety is harvested by the Baiga tribals belonging to the state of Madhya Pradesh. The seeds of this plant are considered very nutritious and are indeed a great source of protein. Foxtail millet, another famous variety of crabgrass has been an important food crop in China since 2700 B.C. and is widely consumed across the globe. Immigrants from Poland and central Europe in the early 20th century brought this crop home and began calling them manna grits(descending from heaven).

Also Read: Foxtail Millet: Nutrition, Health Benefits, Ayurvedic Uses, And Recipes

Crabgrass Plant

Crabgrass is a fast-growing weed that can reach a height of about one to three feet with branching culms at the base and long fibrous roots. The large crabgrass type usually has grey-green foliage and dense, coarse hair, and medium-sized smooth crabgrass is essentially hairless, with entire foliage as well as grains varying from yellow-green to blue-green in colour and consisting of five to ten long racemes. Crabgrass grains are relatively smaller than those of other millet varieties.


In terms of nutritional content, all millets are a good source of protein, fiber, key vitamins, and minerals and are packed with nutrients. They provide plenty of phosphorus and magnesium. All these are essential to boost metabolism, aid in weight loss, maintain good heart health, manage inflammation in the gut, and keep abnormal BP levels in check. When it comes to crabgrass finger millet, it is one of the highest in protein content- a whopping 12 per cent protein!

Health Benefits Of Crabgrass Millet

The medicinal uses of this plant to cure many health disorders have been immense. Here is what it offers:

  • A decoction of the plant is used in the treatment of gonorrhoea (sexually transmitted infection caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoea) leading to chronic ailments and infertility and attacks the urethra, and rectum, as well as the throat
  • They help to keep the stomach fuller for a longer duration of time and maintain a healthy weight by avoiding sudden hunger pangs and cravings
  • This millet has been a folk remedy for the treatment of vision disorders such as cataracts and age-related macular degeneration
  • Owing to its high nutrition and protein content, the flour from this millet has been used to cure debilities or weakness caused by an illness, injury, or a state of general feebleness that may be a result of an underlying health condition
  • Crabgrass millet has also been used as an emetic (a medicine that makes you vomit). It is given to induce vomit in cases when some poisonous or harmful substance has been consumed

Also Read: Proso Millet/Pani Varagu: Nutrition And Bounteous Health Benefits Of This Majestic Millet- Easy Recipe Inside

Culinary Uses Of Crabgrass Millet

The seeds from this plant are ground and used as fine white flour. Crabgrass seeds can be consumed as a grain, or in cereals in porridge.  The grain is also fermented and used to make beer in some countries.  It can be kneaded and can be used as a couscous or semolina. There is a lot that can be done with this protein-rich grain, for now, we bring you a recipe from the Baiga tribes of Madhya Pradesh, made with wild crabgrass millet.

Sikya Kheer
millet kheer


Half litre of milk

Half a cup of crabgrass seeds

100 ml mango pulp

5-6 pieces of whole cardamom

1 inch cinnamon stick

3 tsp sugar

8 to 10 almonds

8 to 10 raisins

A handful of freshly diced mango pieces


In a pan, bring milk to boil over medium heat

Add mango pulp to it

Add cinnamon and cardamom

Let it simmer well

Add the crabgrass seeds and sugar

Cook for about 5 to 7 minutes until it becomes dense

Garnish with almonds, raisins, and diced mango pieces

Sikya kheer is ready to be relished


The delicious Sikhya kheer has crabgrass millet as a key ingredient which is power packed with protein. This can help to augment muscle mass and strength and fortifies bone health as well. Almonds and raisins are filled with essential vitamins, calcium, copper, magnesium, iron, potassium, and zinc which keep the body replete with all the nutrients it needs and increase its immunity to fight against illnesses.