One cereal grain that has gained huge popularity among millennials in recent times is millets. These gluten-free, nutrient-dense whole grains have found their place back in our kitchen cabinets owing to their indispensable therapeutic benefits. Millets have always been a staple food of our ancestors. Well, Brown top millet or Korale millet is the rarest of all millet varieties and has great demands owing to its dense nutritional profile and its ability to adapt to climate change.

Brown top millets are cultivated abundantly in dry regions of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and parts of north-central India. These millets can be grown on hard soil with very little amount of water. They are drought and heat tolerant crops and their shadow tolerant nature makes them unique from other crops. Besides India, Brown top millet are widely cultivated in the United States, Asia, Africa, Australia, and China.
Brown top millets in a bowl

Brown top millet is known to stabilize soil erosion in hilly regions. It offers a shield for slower-growing crops as their grass is tall. The reseeding process is very simple and easy, and the seed remains viable in the soil for years, thereby making it an impressive regenerative food for wildlife.

Also Read: 5 Best Reasons Why You Should Include Millets In Daily Diet

Nutritional Facts

Brown top millet like all other millets is a storehouse of nutrition that is essential for optimal health and well-being. These tiny seeds can deliver you a daily dose of proteins, healthy fats, carbs, and dietary fibre content. Apart from this, they are also a treasure trove of essential nutrients including calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, manganese, copper, sodium, and zinc. Regular addition of this nutrient-rich grain lowers the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and digestive problems.

Health Benefits of Brown Top Millet

Regulates Diabetes:

Brown top millet is a great substitute for rice as it keeps you satiated and delays the gastric emptying time, thereby serving as a perfect grain for all diabetic patients. Being low in glycaemic index and carbs brown top millet prevents unwanted hunger pangs and avoid a sudden spike in sugar levels. Add this tiny grain to the daily diet to stabilize blood sugars, control HbA1C and promote insulin sensitivity

Promotes Digestion:

Good gut health is an indication of overall well-being and robust immune health. Brown top millet being gluten-free is a great alternative for those suffering from celiac disease and irritable bowel syndrome. It strengthens the digestibility and absorption of starch in the body and reduces bloating and cramping. Aside from this, help alleviate constipation by regularising bowel movements.

Also Read: Bajra/Pearl Millet: Nutrition, Health Benefits, How To Make Bajra Flour At Home, Uses And Recipes

Augments Cardiac Health:

Millets are famed for optimising heart health and lowering the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Being imbued with protein, dietary fibre and low on carbs these tiny wonders diminish bad LDL cholesterol, avert the build-up of clots in the arteries besides improving heart functions. Consume it daily to shield the heart from ailments.

Fortifies Bones:

Blessed with an impressive source of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium brown top millet plays a key role in strengthening bones and muscles. Include Brown top millet in your regular meal plan to meet the demands of calcium and phosphorus for fighting brittle bones, fractures, inflammation and averting the risk of developing osteoporosis and other debilitating bone disorders.

Supports Weight Loss:

Millets are boon for all fitness enthusiasts who are wanting to shed those extra kilos. Adding Brown top millet flour in the meal plan can help in lowering the BMI and burning fat. Substituting rice with millets daily can reduce the accumulation of fat, improve the gut microbiome, and attain your weight loss goals.

Uses of Brown Top Millet:

Brown top millet was used widely to make traditional sweets, but nowadays with the advancement of technology, they are used for making ready to eat products, breakfast cereals, healthy snacks, and snack bars. Furthermore, they are also used for making value-added products including gun puffing, hot and cold mixing, baking and instant mixes with the application of conventional food technologies.


Brown top millet is a nourishing and energising food that confers a plethora of nutrients for optimising overall wellness. Adding this millet is a perfect solution to prevent lifestyle disorders such as diabetes, arthritis, obesity, and heart disease.