There are a few essential oils that get all the limelight, like lavender, tea tree, lemongrass etc., but you may be surprised to know about another potentially worth trying - carrot seed oil. It is a type of essential oil extracted through steam distillation from the seeds of the Daucus carota plant. This flowering plant bears lacy white flowers with purple centres and carrot-perfumed roots, it is also called wild carrot and Queen Anne’s lace. Its origin can be traced back to Egypt, France, and India.

This essential oil is sometimes confused with carrot oil that is made from a blend of crushed carrot roots diffused in a carrier oil and it isn’t a true essential oil, though. Like all other essential oils, the carrot seed oil isn’t intended to be ingested, thus it differs from carrot oil, which is mostly used for culinary purposes.

Carrot seed oil is made by cold pressing the carrot seeds and is used extensively in enhancing skin health and beauty. This aromatic essential oil is credited to possess potent antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Strong skin revitalising and toning traits of the carrot seed oil are valued as one of the best rejuvenating oils. Carrot seed essential oil is famed as miracle oil, which confers a firmer, toned complexion by detoxifying the body and clearing water build-up in the dermal tissue. Aside from these, it is widely used in aromatherapy for easing stress and anxiety.

Also Read: Frangipani/Plumeria Oil: 5 Astonishing Beauty Benefits Of This Fragrant Oil- infographic

Healing Benefits Of Carrot Seed Oil

A storehouse of antioxidants shields detrimental toxins from oxidising healthy skin cells, reduces signs of ageing and fades away fine lines and wrinkles.

It has the potential to detoxify the blood, tissues, muscles and vital organs like kidneys and liver. It eliminates toxins, impurities, and water build-up in the skin.

This wonder oil offers protection from the UV rays and safeguards the skin from sun damage and sunburn.

Natural stimulating effects promotes circulation and improves brain and nerve function.

Soothing and calming properties are effective in relieving stress and anxiety and improves overall physical and mental well-being.

Potent antiseptic, antiviral traits offer protection against infections, harmful pathogens and keep you free from diseases.

How To Use Carrot Seed Oil?

Carrot seed oil should be diluted with a carrier oil (almond, coconut, or olive oil) prior to using it on the skin. Using undiluted carrot seed oil may lead to skin redness, rash and burning sensations.

Always do a small patch test on the skin and wait for some time to see if any reaction is occurring, before using this essential oil.

From healing skin infections and easing stress to uplifting skin tone and complexion, this fragrant essential oil is truly a cure-all for a host of skin woes. Foray this infographic to discover the amazing beauty incentives of carrot seed essential oil.
Carrot seed essential oil for skin